
Several voluntary crew members work to delete brush fires in Boone County

Boone County, W.Va. (WSAZ) – The crews in Boone County worked around the clock at the weekend to delete brush fires in the area.

In a Facebook post by the Madison Fire Department, the crews say that the fires in the area of ​​Uneeda/Price Hill burned in Boone County.

There were about 40 answers in the post office, which were answered by all volunteers.

The crews react to brush fire in Boone County(Madison fire brigade)

The say that the brushfire now seems to be completely contained or deleted.

They say that the last thrust of area departments came on this fire on Saturday evening at around 8 p.m. when Boone County's emergency room in the Hope Street in Madison was informed about a Mayday call for three firefighters.

They requested the assignment of additional resources for rescue operations. The firefighters had been commissioned to check a motorhome that landed near the fire brigade to search for the inmates for evacuation after reaching the area, the 20 km / h winds changed, bringing fire via their evacuation route and consuming them.

After 7 long minutes, the firefighters were found and supported by security, where they were evaluated and treated by the Boone County Ambulance Authority.

Firefighters answered by Danvill, van, Spruce River, Wharton-Barrett, Racine and Morrisvale volunteer fire brigade.

The work continued until the last unit solved the area on Sunday morning at 2:30 a.m.

Madison Crews say that the help received by these departments was more estimated than can be displayed easily, since their firefighters were exhausted and the help, the Facebook contribution said.

Several people in the community came out to help the firefighters by making food and water available to the crews on the field.

The crews say that by Sunday morning the fire is no longer a threat to life or property.

No occupied structures were influenced by the fire and no civilian injuries were reported.

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