
She dated a man who had stolen her $ 600, logged a six -figure job and had criminal charges against him

Iuricazac – – only illustrative purposes, not the actual person

A woman who is traveling at @Popcorneater0 wonders where she can find a decent man in Kansas City after lived a nightmare with the last man she saw.

She is convinced that there are no nice men on earth after she has uncovered all the lies that this type fed her and they are quite extensive. It seems as if he hadn't given her a single truth!

She spent a few weeks to meet with him, but she could say what he told her made no sense, even though he had excellent answers to her questions.

She is a pretty relaxed and quiet person, so it's not as if she is asking him something. It is only when they agreed to make an appointment, he realized that he was anything but honest.

There was a pattern of the outlined what it was, what he had or where he was, but then he started slipping more, and it was obvious that he was lying down.

She decided that she had enough, so she unloaded him. At that time she learned that he had stolen her $ 600, lied through a six -figure job and had criminal charges against him.

“It turns out that he did not earn $ 120,000 a year – he has no job,” she said in her video. “My friends also checked a background about him – the youngest DUI.”

“Criminal charges. Love that. Oh, I mentioned that he stole $ 600 me? Then I lied to me. His bank is suing what looks because he has not paid it for over six months. “

“But you know, that was all masked. He got me flowers, made me for breakfast in the morning, bought me gifts – with my own money. “


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She has the feeling that her data must be structured more like interviews in the future so that she can avoid making more liars.

Hello, I'm Bre, CEO from Chip Chick! I have a degree in textile/surface design from the Fashion Institute of Technology. … more about Bre Avery Zacharski

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