
Shocking videos show tense moments after the deadly Schenectady sting

New video from Newschannel 13 shows a tense situation between the police, with weapons being pulled on Friday after a deadly stabbing on the Lincoln Avenue in Schenectady.

New video from Newschannel 13 shows a tense situation between the police, with weapons being pulled on Friday after a deadly stabbing on the Lincoln Avenue in Schenectady.

In the video a man is seen on the floor. The police command him to crawl on them. A lot of police officers are nearby with pulled weapons.

They also rush to victim, Amanda Jaikaran, 38. She died in several stab wounds.

Her former friend Rance White, 52, from Schenectady, is charged with murder, assault and criminal possession of a weapon.

Jaikaran will be remembered as a committed mother and a strong figure in the community. She was a single mother of three children. The youngest child is only 3 years old.

Jaikaran came here from Guyana and worked two jobs to ensure that their children were always made available.

The grieving family is planning a vigil for Jaikarah this Friday evening, March 21, at 8 p.m., she will be in the 818 Lincoln Avenue.

Listen to a relative lecture on how you will remember Jaikarah by watching the video of Kumi Tucker''S story.