
[Shortly Today] SSC GD Orewort key 2025: Check provisional response key release date, PDF download -Link

The SSC GD keyword key can also be challenged by the candidates, which will find an answer that the Commission is to be marked incorrectly. Under no circumstances are accepted by the Commission after the last date.

SSC CAB Declare the SSC GD reply key 2025 at any time on February 26, 2025.

The personnel selection commission of India publishes the reply key for the SSC GD examination 2025, while the result for this is expected to be published in April/May 2025. Check the important data for the SSC -GD competition key 2025 from the following table, including the publication of the SSC GD Constable, the last date, the last date to increase objection.

Candidates can download the preliminary SSC GD keyword key by following the steps below:

> Enter your users -id (exam roll number) and your password (specified on SSC GD registration card) and click on the ACCC.

Question: What is the marking pattern for the SSC GD keyboard key?

A. The marking pattern for SSC GD keyword key is based on the marking pattern decided by the SSC. The candidates receive 2 points for each correct answer, while 0.25 mark is deducted for each wrong answer marked by the candidate. No brands are awarded for unanswered questions.

Question: Do candidates have to pay the fee to question the SSC GD reply key 2025?

A. Yes, candidates have to pay RS. 100 per question as a fee to challenge a reply key. The fee must be paid in online mode for the provisional response key. The candidates must prove the correct reply key and at the same time raise an objection.

The response key 2025 in SSC GD GD GD KONTABLE are given below:

> Exam date and postponement time

> Name of the candidate

> Roll number of the candidate

> Exam name

> Paper name

> Answers that are characterized by the candidate with the questions asked in the examination

How do I calculate GD markings with SSC GD reply key 2025?

The SSC GD markings can be calculated with the response key. In order to calculate the ratings with the SSC GD promotion key, the candidates must know the marking scheme and the SSC GD examination pattern. A brand is awarded for each correct answer, while a brand of 0.5 is deducted for a wrong attempt. Here is the marking scheme for calculating the markings using SSC GD keyword key.

⇒ +2 for the correct answer

⇒ – 0.25 for a wrong answer

⇒ 0 for undamaged question

Question: Where can I check the official SSC GD keyword key 2025?

A. Candidates can check the SSC GD Constable Replica 2025 on the official website of the personnel selection commission, which is Alternatively, the reply key can also be checked via the direct link on Jagran Josh mentioned on this page.

Question: What happens after explaining the preliminary answer of the SSC -GD -PDF?

A. According to the explanation of the provisional PDF keywroßmer key from the SSC GD, the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) publishes the final response key together with the result. The final response key will be published after the objections raised by the candidates have been checked.

How can you collect objections to SSC GD reply key?

Candidates can raise an objection to the SSC GD keyword key by visiting the SSC website. The objections can be raised online for those questions for which the candidates believe that the response key is incorrectly identified by the Commission. However, the candidates have to provide evidence of the correct answer key while they raise an objection. Here are the steps to raise objections to the official SSC GD Constable keyboard key:

Visit the official website –
Click on the link to the reply key, which is displayed on the homepage at the top and select SSC GD reply key 2025.
Enter your registration.
Go to the tab to challenge the reply key.
Request the question or answer if available.
Numbers Rs. 100 per challenge in online mode.
Send and save the confirmation page.

SC GD Glundlüsslüsslinklischlandalization

The candidates must note that the SSC follows the normalization method in order to declare the SSC GD result 2025. Due to the inconsistency in the level of difficulty, the normalization process is required, so that all aspirants of the GD Constable examination receive fair markings. This will affect a balance between those who have asked difficult questions in the exam and those who have asked more questions in the exam.

What will come next to the SSC GD Tentative response key?

According to the explanation of the preliminary reply key from SSC GD 2025, the Commission receives all the challenges made by the candidate. It will be rated and then published a final reply key together with the SSC GD result 2025.

Next examination phase according to SSC GD reply key 2025

The next stage according to the SSC GD stake key is the SSC GD Physical Test 2025. This test is carried out by the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF). Candidates who qualify the SSC GD -Online exam are submitted for the SSC GD PET/ PST exam 2025. This requires that the candidates carry out the prescribed physical activity within the specified time.

SSC GD 2025 Replica PDF: Ex-service from PET/PST frees

The former soldiers who will qualify the computer-aided SSC GD exam were freed from the appearance in the PST/ PET. However, they must be subjected to a medical examination.

SSC GD Orewort key 2025: How is the end result created?

The SSC GD end result 2025 is decided for the following specified parameters:

⇒ CBT score

⇒ Preference of the forces you have decided

⇒ Apart from that, the selection is also made on the basis of the qualifying status of the candidate in the physical standard test, the physical efficiency test and the medical examination carried out by the SSC. However, these tests must be qualified by nature.

SSC GD Constable selection process

The recruitment process of SSC GD 2025 includes the following phases:

Level 1: Computer -based testing (CBE)
Level 2: Physical Standard Test (PST)/ Physical Efficiency Test (PET) (PET and PST are qualified nature)
Level 3: Medical examination (DME/ RME) and document check

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