
Single -family home permits see the slow start in 2025

The permits are at a lower level to start the new year. In the first month of 2025, the total number of single-family permits, which were issued nationwide by Year-to Date (YTD), reached 73.115. On a basis of the previous year (Yoy) this is a decline of 3.7% compared to the level of 75,906 January 2024. For the apartment, the total number of permits granted nationwide reached 38,402. This is the analysis of the National Association of Home Builders.

In January the single -family permits ended in the middle west (+11.0%) and in the northeast (+0.6%), but in the two remaining regions. The West had dropped by 2.2% and the south dropped by 6.6% during this time. Three of the four regions recorded declines for multi -family permits. The south rose by 12.9%, but the West recorded a decline of 23.4%, the northeast fell by 14.3%and the middle west by 1.5%.

Between January 2025 YTD and January 2024, 26 states and the District of Columbia recorded an increase in single -family permits. The area of ​​increases in the Columbia district in Utah included 525.0% to 0.1%. The remaining 24 states reported on a decline in single -family permits, with Alaska reporting the steepest decline of 23.1%.

The ten states, which have issued the highest number of single -family permits, made up 65.4% of the total number of single -family permits. Texas, the state with the highest number of single -family permits, granted 12,179 permits in the first month of 2025, which corresponds to a decline of 4.2% compared to the same period of the previous year. The second highest state of Florida decreased by 13.9%, while the third highest, North Carolina, recorded a decline of 11.4%.

Between January 2025 YTD and January 2024 YTD, 22 countries recorded the growth of multi -family permits, while 27 countries and the District of Columbia recorded a decline. In January 2024, Alaska made no permits and 9 apartment permits in January 2025. Therefore, the growth rate is undefined for Alaska. The district of Columbia (+1,282.4%) was presented with a strong increase in multi -family permits from 17 to 235, while Delaware had the greatest decline from 90.9% from 176 to 16.

The ten states, which have issued the highest number of multi -family permits, made up 67.6% of the apartment approvals issued. In the first month of 2025, Florida, the state with the highest number of multi -family permits, recorded an increase of 48.0%. Texas, the second highest state of multi -family permits, recorded a decrease of 23.1%. New York, the third largest apartment building, which declined by 19.4%.

Below are the ten best subway areas below, which gave the highest number of single-family permits.

For multi -family permits, you will find the ten best local areas below, which gave the highest number of permits.