
Six superior dip bars in the Viral Tiktok Channel

Have you seen the videos of diving bars in Wisconsin on Tiktok? I found Wisco Dive Bar ratings on Tikkok and really enjoyed visiting different bars.

Wisco Dive Bar Reviews has over 120,000 followers and millions of views. He checks dip bars throughout Wisconsin and has done several trips to Superior, Wisconsin.

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The first video I stumbled on was his visit to the bar in the Tower Avenue in Superior. Who's bar is a great place that exists forever. You have great food and are inexpensive. He gave the bar 9 bush lights of 10.

He also visited birds in South Superior. I have to admit it has been a minute since I was in birds. Wisco Dive Bars was shocked how big birds were. He said the staff and the guests were all very friendly. He gave birds 9 out of 10 bush lights. ,,

He also made his way to Billings Park and was held by Keith Kern, the local businessman and president of Wisconsin Tavern League. He was on Keith's 40th birthday party in Jimmy's Saloon.

Charlie Browns Bar in Billings Park was his next stop. He liked the comfortable feeling and how beautiful the place tidy. A billiard table in your own room was also a nice gesture. He gives him 9 PBRs of 10. Has anyone else seeing a pattern here?

Of course, he would have to stop at the anchor bar. This was actually his second trip and says that this is one of these bars that protrude. It is 10 out of 10 bush lights.

He also visited the Wabegon – it is the only bar in Wisconsin that you have to go through Minnesota to reach her. It is 9.75 bush lights of 10.

He did a thank you video in which he spoke about how much fun he had in superior, Wisconsin. Looks after a great time!

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