
Snoop Dogg's daughter delivers the first baby 3 months before her due date

Los Angeles, March 1st (Ians) rapper Snoop Dogg is on Cloud Nine because his daughter Cori Broadus born three months before her due date.

The youngest child and the only daughter of the rapper announced on Friday, February 28, in an Instagram post that she and fiance Wayne Deice welcomed her first baby together, reports the “People” magazine.

“The princess arrived at 6 months,” Broadus wrote in her Instagram announcement. The article contained a black and white picture of the foot of her newborn daughter. “I cried and cried, I compared and compared myself and compared myself, and I blamed myself that I couldn't give her everything she needed. But no matter what God always shows me that I am his child! β€œβ€œ Baby girl came today at 25 weeks and she is perfect as always. Thank you God for bringing me so far, no matter the chances that are constantly thrown against me. “

According to “People”, Broadus then published two Instagram stories and informed the followers that it had a caesarean section section (caesarean section). “The 1st Caesarean section was a success that is upstairs,” she labeled the Instagram history of her lying on the operating table.

Her second Instagram story was also posted from her hospital bed. She said she went to the doctors on Thursday, February 27, because she thought she had “only a bad case of gasoline”.

The doctors said Broadus that she developed the Hellp syndrome. Hellp stands for hemolysis (the process of destruction of red blood cells), increased liver enzymes and low platelets. It is a “life -threatening pregnancy complication, which is usually seen as a variant of preeclampsia”, and it usually occurs in the later stages of pregnancy or shortly after birth after the Preeklampsienstiftung.

The syndrome is “very serious and can even lead to death if they are untreated,” Broadus told the supporters. “The doctors thanked me that they came, and if I had waited for a few more days, it would have been really bad.”

“Ladies, please listen to your body and don't believe everything you see on Tik Tok (talk to myself),” she added.
