
SonnenLive – temporary stop for water fluoridation by leak

In a fluoride tank in the Waiāri water treatment plant of the Tauranga city council, a small leak was identified that must be repaired.

From this week, the city council of Tauranga said that it would stop the fluoride dosage in the Waiāri water treatment plant for about six weeks, while the tank is offline for emptying, cleaning, repairing, testing and certifying again.

“During this time, the fluoride level over the coastal strip of Pāpāmoa and Mount Maunganui will be reduced,” said a spokesman.

This mainly affects the fluoride level in the water supply of the residents east of Golfstrasse (Waiāri page).

“Residents can be sure that their water can continue to drink safely.”

The fluoride tank was installed in November 2024 and put into operation when the Council met the General Director of the Health Directive to fluoride the water supply from Tauranga. The tank is repaired under guarantee.

“We endeavor to keep our residents up to date and will advise the community when the tank is online again and fluoride inserts into the water supplied by the Waiāri water treatment plant,” said a speaker.

“The Ministry of Health was advised on the leak and our plans to remedy the problem.”

The Waiāri water treatment plant was put into operation in December 2023.