
Star Wars fans lose it because of the official new Prequel publication -television and film

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Perhaps one of the most underestimated Star Wars films, which Revenge of the Sith gets a new publication.

Originally published in 2005, Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith It was difficult to follow after his two previous prequels, The phantom threat And Attack of the clone.

Take a look at that Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Trailer below!

Star Wars: Episode I – The phantom threat (1999) and Episode II – attack of the clone (2002) are not the best recorded Star Wars films of the franchise, but similar to Revenge of the SithIt feels like many fans are showing them more appreciation these days.

Even I can remember that I didn't like the first two prequels too much, but in the past ten years I have seen them all a lot and they are far from being as bad as I remembered. However, I am still not excessively interested in it The phantom threatIt has to be said.

If you want to show a well -deserved love Revenge of the SithNow is your chance because it gets a new film publication to celebrate its 20th anniversary.

“To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the premiere of Star Wars: Revenge of the SithThe last film in the Prequel trilogy, Episode III Will be released in the cinemas on April 25, 2025 and only executed in selected US cinemas and international territories for a week, ”says a contribution on

It is clear Revenge of the Sith in the cinema in a few months.

“This is the way,” said Manssamsa125.

“In my opinion, it is the best Star Wars film,” said MassisiveMarkque1.

“Time to experience the epic struggle between Anakin and Obi-Wan again on the big screen,” answered EmailCopyjames.

If you don't make it to the cinema for the festive anniversary, you can see yourself Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith On Disney Plus together with all other films in the franchise.

Selected photo certificate: 20th Century Fox / Walt Disney Studios Films Pictures

Topics: Star Wars, Disney, TV and film