
State B basketball tournament taps in Spokane | Spokane news

Spokane, Washington – Spokane will align the State B basketball tournament, a big event that was in the manufacture for months. The organizers strive to present some of the region's best basketball talents in the Spokane Arena.

Dave Tikker, co-chair of the tournament, emphasized the importance of preparation that began in December. “I have my two daughters, many former coaches and sports directors, many people I trust,” said Tikker. He rated the Spokane Arena employees for their competence and security they provided. “There is an incredible level of competence with the employees here and the people with whom we work with,” he said.

Tikker emphasized the importance of clear communication with participating teams. “Our communication with your sports directors and communication with your school and your parents is a big deal,” he said. When the tournament begins, Tikker is most happy about the teamwork on display. “I just think that it is a great reflection that children have to work together to be successful, and it is also a great lesson for adults,” he added.

The tournament begins on Wednesday at 9 a.m. with 48 teams in four brackets. For the participants who are present, entry to one-day entry for $ 15 is available, while a four-day passport costs a little more than $ 50.