
State climate report: roller coaster in February: record heat to deep freeze | News

February started with a warm and pleasant route and reached a summer 89 degrees in several places on February 3 and broke the all-time high-temperature record for this date-87 degrees, in Erick in 1934.

The first cold front arrived shortly after the record heat and brought on February 5 after the northwest of Oklahoma after freezing and arranged a traveling note from the National Weather Service. In the following week, a winter mix of ice-cold rain, snow and snow covered the northwest on February 11th and 12th, which led to school and business closures and dangerous travel conditions. The coldest temperature of the month of -8 degrees was accompanied on February 13th in Eva, accompanied by a wind cold of -23 degrees, which for the lowest wind cold of the month. During this route, widespread rubber switches were observed under zero.

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