
State Street Stont -Appreciator As he pulled down Langdon, MPD examination in progress – the Dachs Herald

On Saturday afternoon, a jump -off in the 500 block of the State Street occurred, which became a rapid reaction from the Madison police department and several emergency notifications from the University of Wisconsin.

At around 1:56 p.m., reports on a stab near Luchador appeared in the Street Street. The police described the suspect in the forties as a black man and wore a white buffer jacket, like the audio preserved by The Badger Herald.

The police said a man who was called black and in the forties and wore a white buffer coat stabbed another person before escaping from State Street.

Within minutes, several reports showed that more people were armed with knives or razor blades. But the main suspect was the man in the white buffer coat.

At 1:59 p.m. the suspect was sighted towards Langdon Street, and at 2:00 p.m. he ran in Gilman Street and was reportedly thrown away the knife outside of Ann Emery Hall.

The suspect covered with blood goes up the Langdon Street shortly after the stitch. March 15, 2025. (Photo that was preserved by the Badger Herald)

At 2:01 p.m., reports showed that the person may have moved towards the state capital.

At 2:04 p.m. the law enforcement confirmed that the suspect had thrown away the gun and was still moving along the Gilman Street.

UWPD gave several warnings through his Badgersafe appCommunity members advise to remain vigilant.

At 2:41 p.m. UWPD sent a everything clear notification. It is unclear whether the suspect or victim were.