
Steam leaves another 4 free games to download them and keep them forever – Steam

At the moment you can belong to four new games for the low, low costs for absolutely free of charge on Steam, but you would like to take a closer look before you commit yourself to download.

Many thanks in advance to the Twitter account Free Steam Games and her tireless efforts to collect every single free game on the platform.

First up, Bloodline. This looks like a pretty mouth factory metroid vania, except with elves that look like vampires instead of like vampires. In addition, the art style only reminds a random illustration Adventurequest Or do I only have a nostalgia review?

The ratings are largely positive, but at the time of writing there are only five of them, so there is no evaluation consensus on Steam. Potential to try it if you keep your expectations low.

Next, Axios football. Looks like a budget -Fifa clone, but it currently has a very positive review at Steam, with over 98% of the reviews. Wow, 98%! It must Be incredible, right?

Well, I think a good part of the reviews is wrong. I am not sure what would force someone to generate fake reviews for a free game, but many reviews for Axios football It seems to refer to a racing game, and others are simply completely crouched. Based on this alone, I can not recommend this.

The next one is a bit interesting: Holocall – Send your cheers!

So this game is a rhythm action game in the guitar hero style, which is inspired by the Hololive Vtuber community, but it seems a bit Singing star Influence also in the game. If you are hit on the notes on the screen on the screen, you will be asked to sing some of the texts with your microphone for additional points. Nice idea and the reviews are good.

And finally, Dashfire. I have deliberately saved them here at the last time because I think it looks phenomenal.

It is an arena shooter with some clear quake influences, but the quality of the game itself is incredible because it is free. There is a polish here that the other games are missing on the list, which is surprising because it seems to be the first game that Dev has ever published. If you only play one game on this list, I would suggest that this is.

But if none of this is according to your wishes, don't be annoyed because I am sure that we are more than a few days with more steam advertising gifts. To be honest, there are probably more free games on the platform than usual.