
Storm season is about to start, are you ready? | News

Decatur, ill. (Magic wand) – When the weather warms up, the chances of storm increase. Now it is time to prepare yourself before it's too late.

“You have to pay attention to the forecasts, the warnings, the clocks, the advice because you never know that it could just appear,” said John Dwyer, coordinator of the Champaign County Emergency Management Agency. “After a storm, it takes time for help to take help, so that you are better prepared for those who really need help.”

In 2023, Illinois experienced more tornados than any other state. For this reason, it is important that the National Weather Service creates emergency plans for more than just at home. You should know what to do when the weather hits when you are at work or travel.

It is also important to check the forecast before your trip. Nicole Albano, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Lincoln, says that fall floods are the most common cause of deaths for storms.

People often drive home or work and drive on a route that they always take, “said Albano.

Both Albano and Dwyer said in spring that these storms can come out of nowhere, so it is important to always be prepared. Albano recommends keeping “Gobag” with important materials, recipes and food. Dwyer said that it is helpful to have copies of your insurance papers in a safe space if damage to your house is caused. So you don't have to try to contact your insurance provider.

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