
Students attend the event to the nurses

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Nursing students from the University of Pine Bluff took part in Little Rock on Capitol 2025 on the Nursing Day.

According to a press release, a kickoff breakfast and lunch took place in the hall in downtown Little Rock.

The nursing day in Capitol is an annual event in which nurses come together from all over the state to work for guidelines that support the nursing profession and improve patient care. According to the ARKANSAS Nurses Association website, it is an opportunity for nurses and nursing students to hear and influence their voices that directly influence their work.

The event was presented:

Legislative information: Nursing and nursing students took part in educational meetings in order to find out about current questions of health care, to understand the legislative process and to develop effective advocacy strategies.

Legal training: The participants received tools and techniques in order to share their concerns and priorities to the legislators.

Meetings with legislators: Nurses and nursing students met with their chosen civil servants to discuss important topics such as safe personnel, violence at work, equity and access to high -quality health care.

Networking opportunities: Nursing and nursing students offer opportunities to connect with colleagues, to exchange experiences and to build relationships.

By participating in the nursing day in Capitol, nurses and nursing students play an important role in the design of health policy and ensure that their profession is valued and supported, according to the website.