
Study finds: 1 of 3 Georgia employees work 'unofficial' 4 -tage -week

In other messages -in a new study it is found that one of 3 Georgia employees is present with strategic early on a “unofficial” 4 -day week.


  • Survey of 3,010 remote employees to find out how many work an unofficial 4-day week.
  • 1 of 4 admits to work from a holiday destination without shared to his employer.
  • Infographic shows the state collapse.

The work from home is associated with undeniable discounts-tiring commuters, a better balance between work and life and even cost savings. For some employees, however, the flexibility of the long -term work has also led to strategic early outputs. Many end their working day in front of the schedule, sign off early on Fridays or send a few well-coordinated emails to create the illusion of those present-without officially reducing.

It is perhaps this growing trend that pretended President Trump to sign an executive regulation in which all federal employees return to personal work full -time. But how widespread is the phenomenon of remote workers who shave their week for hours?

A four -day working week in disguise

A current survey by Bisnar Chase of 3,010 Remote employees showed that 26% admit that they work effectively for a four-day week. This happens with different starting means, starting, ends earlier than lunch breaks or fully unsubscribed before Friday.

When the study is broken down nationwide, the study found that over 1 of 3 (36%) remote workers in Georgia cut their working week.

However, some states owe this trend than others. Connecticut's workers are leading, and almost half (47%) admit to working four -day weeks, even though they were paid five. At the other end of the spectrum, Alaska has the most hardworking workforce, and only 9% admit to cut their working weeks briefly.

Infographic that show study results

Slept strategies: How long -term workers maintain the illusion

While some employees simply register early, other creative ways have developed to maintain the phenomena. Almost every fourth remote employee (23%) admitted to work out of a holiday destination without telling his employer. And when it comes to doing work, a singing 47%confessed to do this from the driver's seat of your car – which makes it the most common unconventional place. In the meantime, 21% of calls at the pool or on the beach have answered, while 15% did this from a hotel or Airbnb in another city.

In order to maintain the illusion of productivity, 13% of the employees use a mouse jiggler or other tricks to stay “active” in slack or teams. For many, a simple status update makes the trick. The most popular tactics? More than half (56%) choose the classic excuse “on a call” – even if they are not. Another 26% mark themselves as “away for a quick lunch”, just to disappear for hours, while 18% rely on “in deep focus mode” to avoid interruptions.

Distracts are another important factor that influences the productivity of the long -distance work. The most common way, as employees deviate from their tasks, is to do tasks or to do errands (38%), during 28% to play video games during working hours. Others spend their time looking at television (22%) or in a gym or in a long walk (12%).

And if Friday rolls around? 42% of the employees strategically send a few well-coordinated emails to create the appearance of the work, while 33% calendar events are planning as cover for their early departure. Another 26% simply remain “active” in slack or teams without really doing a lot.

Perhaps the bold step of all-17% of remote employees admit that they have worked two full-time remote jobs at the same time.

The long -distance work debate continues

While some remote employees thrive with flexible schedules, other ways find the system to play. With an increasing number of companies that call employees back to the office, the future of long -distance work and the hidden habits that make it possible remains uncertain. At the moment, however, it seems that many workers are not keeping their time away from the office.

While it is true that some distant employees complete their weeks early, the reality is that the work is not as rigid as it used to be as rigidSay Brian Chase from Bisnar Chase. “Many employees respond to messages after hours, contribute to group chats in the evening and even tackle tasks on vacation. The traditional 9-to-5 model does not always apply in a digital world that are more intertwined at work and life than ever. In many ways, the flexibility of the long -term work enables employees to be more productive on their own conditions.. “”