
Suspects arraigned in Long County GBI investigation

Full video: Suspects arraigned in Long County GBI investigation

The GBI arrested Long County Commissioner Robert Parker and business owner Tony Fowler in connection with an investigation into the misappropriation of county funds.

I am Judge Kel Montgomery, and I’m here to do your first appearance hearing, Mr. Parker. You have an attorney I see representative, and we spoke briefly in the back, so he said, if you have some of the questions, I just kind of have *** format and I’ll go through and. Wait until he responds to you whether to answer them, OK? So I just need to make sure that. So you’re Robert Donald Parker, correct? And your birth date is? The So your birthday is June 17, 1986. And I don’t have *** current address. So the current address I have is 116 South Row Road Street, Little Whitsey, Georgia. Is that correct? And that’s an old address. We can give you the current address what does happen it’s 658 West Cypress Street. Still here in Just to, as you’re trying to make *** note, um, it’s your responsibility to always make sure the court system has the most information because they’re gonna send whatever notifications to you, to the address that’s in the system and if you don’t show up to court, they can still issue the form prepared to appear, OK? All right, so what we’re gonna do today, I’m gonna inform you of your rights informing the charges against you, answering the procedural questions if I can. Inform that you have the right to. *** right to *** copy of any of the documents we go over, including the arrest warrants. You just have to request them where the procedure is here in Long County upon release where your attorney can get *** copy of them as well. Um, and just to remind you that um. I don’t decide your filter in the group. I’m just here to do your first appearance. *** later, later that’s usually later on in another judicial proceeding, OK? So you were charged with. racketeering influence and corrupt organization, organizations, count one. Just by taking. Another count for that by taking. Another count for that by taking. Violations of oath by public officer and aggravated assault. Do you understand these charges against you, or do you need me to read any of these warrants out loud? We understand the charges, right. I’m gonna ask you *** financial questionnaire. Are you married or single? Do you have any dependents that you help support? Uh, what is your total household income per month, weekly, biweekly? I just need an estimate. Or range. Moly about So how would you know. 6 or 7 times And do you have any assets, meaning, do you have any vehicles or any property outright? Financial abillas, assuming you help pay rent, mortgage bills. Yes And then if you are granted *** bond, uh, do you have any friends or family that can help you in? And the answers that you gave to me was this true and correct to the best of knowledge, OK, um. If you want me to hold everything he needs *** signature. Or that’s fine. Yeah And then if you want to just Well we can we can just hold until the end. So just uh before we start, just to make sure you can hear and understand my questions, is that right? And you’re not currently under any influence of any drugs or alcohol that would affect your ability to understand what’s going on today. So the court advised that you have the right to remain silent. That is, you do not have to answer any questions asked you by the police concerning the crimes of which you’ve been charged. If you choose to make *** statement, anything you say can and will be used against you in any trial of the proceedings. You have *** right to an attorney. If you can’t afford 11 will be appointed your advice to represent you, and I’m assuming you retain your attorneys. So you, you do have some conditions on bond. she’ll stay away and have no contact absolutely directly or indirectly by personal telephone, messenger or any other means of communication, including all social media, texting and email from Brandy Smile. Here and after referred to as *** victim, that includes that’s not limited to the victim’s home school place of business or routes of travel to other locations. The defendants will stay away from both locations regardless of whether the victim is present in such locations. Any violations connected with contacting or following victim may such *** separate prosecution for felony offense of aggravated stalking. The defendant should not physically abused or threaten to physically abuse the victim. The defendants should not possess any guns or weapons on person nor the red in which you reside, and defendant should not violate any local, state, or federal laws. Other conditions, defendant must surrender passports to the Long County Sheriff’s Department upon release. If you violate any of these, these conditions, *** state can move to *** motion to revoke your bond, they could be arrested for *** battle before the court to have the answer to the violations. Do you understand? So pro law enforcement. With speaking with them, I am gonna deny your bond at this time. You based on what they informed the court, you pose significant risk of fleeing the jurisdiction. And also based on the the type of the aggravated salt with *** gun in someone’s mouth, you do pose *** significant threat to the danger of the community or this or um. I know your attorney Yeah, I was hoping to get to make some argument for Bond before the court rules. Um, I would just observe, uh, the allegations, particularly with respect to aggravated assault rise from the rise of 2023. I would further observe, Your Honor, he has been aware of the investigation and these accusations since at least September of last year. That’s *** period of five months during which time he was freed in this community and nothing happened. He did not plead. He did not intimidate *** witness, Your Honor. Um, he is from here. He’s married. He has two children here. He has *** home here, um, so we asked the court to reconsider the issue of law. Uh, we’ve got *** 5 month track record knowing what the investigation was, knowing what the accusations were, and he’s done nothing to stay right here and live *** lawful life. Uh, he’s from this community. He loves this community, um, and we believe that it is safe to grant and bonds to stop. the state of Georgia is concerned about the defendant being *** flight risk at the time that the search warrant was executed and the arrest warrants were executed yesterday morning as law enforcement was going up *** long driveway about 1.7 miles long on his property. This defendant was pleading out *** side parkway. Uh, apparently he received notification that the GBI was on GBI and FBI and the Attorney General’s office were on the way to this location. This was evidenced when he came out to the 2nd entrance. He stopped and he looked. The state trooper was down the road, that did not have his blue lights turned on. He had maintained vision with him and then he turned and the state trooper at that point turned on his blue lights and the defendant was stopped. The defendant made *** comment to the state trooper. And keep in mind at this time the defendant did not have any knowledge through law enforcement that uh GBI, FBI, and attorney General’s office were coming up the main entrance. The comment that he made to the state trooper was, uh, I guess I managed to dodge them, but running into you, I guess it was fate that you got me. So the state, uh, the defendant did attempt to flee the location yesterday, as well as the serious nature of the criminal offense for the aggravated assault, which was performed at the time that he was the chief of police of Bluwusi, where he placed *** firearm, he put his arms around the neck of *** female working for him in the Long County Board of Commissioners and put *** handgun into her mouth. We believe that he is *** risk to intimidate witnesses in this case. Further, as *** Long County commissioner, there are numerous witnesses in this case who work for Long County in various departments who will be witnesses in this criminal case against him. And we are concerned about him exercising authority, meaning, control, and intimidation over these employees who have provided information to law enforcement. We believe based upon his risk to persons of property or persons here in Long County as well as his attempt to flee when he was being arrested, that bonds should be denied. We certainly don’t agree that he is attempting to flee. He was leaving his home. If they’d gotten there 10 minutes early, he’d have answered the door. They could have called him and said, Turn yourself in. I believe that’s exactly what happened with *** couple of the other code defendants. They showed up the codeendants were not home, and they called him and said turn themselves in, right? None of that is correct that he tried to quit on him, and he’s intimidated their life of these past 5 months. And you At this time, the court is still going to deny deny his bond um based on that fact. do you want to request the commitment hearing. We’ll schedule the appointment hearing report, but we’ll schedule *** magic report if that’s what you’re referring to. No, the commitment hearing, um, you know, dealing with it like *** prelim hearing has *** chance in jail. And then yes and then the bond hearing I’ll provide notification to the office. I know in my time within court office and the DA’s office, um, that the bond has been denied for the various for the reasons set in court so then they’ll set it down for *** bond hearing. And I just need *** few things that require his signature. Mm And the what? We require just The same you’re just acknowledging that we have the hearing and that you’re aware of still the conditions they still apply and that bond has been denied. However, they might be modified by the superior court judge when they when they did the bond. When they do With. And again, I I’ll get your email and send an email to the DA’s office and the clerk’s office informing them the reason for the. The denial of the bond. We set up for *** hearing before superior court judge. I call So but I’ll just send the. I just tell her I’ve never had *** park with me, so. But I will inform the DA’s office. Your Honor, uh, we just ask the Attorney General’s office. The DA’s office has, uh, conflicted themselves at this case. I have your email, so yeah, it has to be writing. Thank you. If I might be excused Mr. Fowler, I am Judge Hervette Montgomery with um magistrate court, um. And He Yeah So just make sure you understand the best. Do you, uh, can you hear and understand my question? And are you present under the influence of any drugs or alcohol? And the birthday that I have is. July 3rd, 1994. And the address that I have is 991 Northwest. Henry, is it Walcott Walcott Road. Just remind you it’s always, it’s your responsibility to make sure the court system always has the most updated information because they’re gonna send your notifications to whatever is in the system and if you don’t show up for court, the judge can issue *** bench warrant for prepare to here. Do you understand? So what we’re gonna do today, because I know you don’t have an attorney, I’m gonna inform you of your rights, inform you of the charges against you, answer any procedural questions I can on the blog, informed that you have *** right to copy any of the documents we go over, including the arrest warrants. You just have to request them upon release or whatever the protocol is through the Long County Sheriff’s Department. And then also just to remind you that I don’t deal with guilt or innocence that this part of the judicial process. I’m just here to do your first experience hearing to determine whether you get *** bond and set conditions for it. OK. I’m gonna ask you, so you were charged with 2 counts of theft by taking. Do you understand those charges against you, or do you need me to read the warrants? I understand. I’m gonna ask you *** financial question, are you married or single? Do you have any dependents that you help support? Any children or elderly? And what is your total household income per month or weekly or biweekly? It just has to be an estimate or? 67 And then do you have any assets? Do you own any vehicles or any property outright where you don’t have to pay more. Uh, financial liabilities. Do you help pay rent, mortgage bills, in general? I just want. And if you are given *** bond now or later, do you have any friends or family that can help you in? Yes, ma’am And then the answers that you just gave to me, are those true and correct to the best of knowledge. There’s *** few things I’ll need you to sign at the. You can just wait to the end and you can sign them. OK, so the court advises you you have the right to make that, that is, you do not have to answer any questions asked you by the police concerning the crimes of which you’ve been charged. If you choose to make *** statement. If you just like say anything that you say or you say or. And that could be used against you later on in another just eating. Judicial process, you understand? And you have *** right to an attorney. If you can’t afford 11 will be appointed to advise to represent you. Do you want to try to hire an attorney or request services of *** public vendor? OK. Just know you always have that right to. Fender as well. So you have *** right to *** commitment hearing. *** commitment hearing is like *** pre-lien hearing where you have the chance to hear the evidence from the state, but the only way you can get this hearing is that you have to be in jail. If you, upon bonding out or upon release, you waive your right to this hearing. Do you want to request it or do you just want to waive it? There are some conditions on bond which are not violating any local, state, or federal laws, don’t have on your person any guns or weapons, nor the pres in which reside. Other condition is defendant must surrender your passport to the Long County Sheriff’s Department upon release. Do you understand? And any violations of this of these conditions, the state can move to *** motion to revoke your bond, then you could be arrested, brought back before the court have to answer to the violations. Do you understand? Mr. cataract, as for, what do you recommend? Uh, the state of Georgia is concerned about the plight of this defendant during the execution search warrant of this house. We discovered *** secret room hidden behind the mirror. Inside that room there was more than $41,000 in cash of note in their filing cabinets in their various files that they had. They had *** location for their passports. However, the passports were not able to be located within the house at all. So based upon the large amount of cash which has been set aside and how the passport has disappeared. Uh, the state is concerned about like for prosecution. So Mr. Fowler out because of the concerns. Requidation of the state. I am going to deny your bond at this time. However, um, within 48 hours, even though they’re both here in writing, I will make aware of them that your bond was denied and then they’ll set you another bond here before *** superior court judge. However, once you get an attorney, the attorney can also contact. The AG’s office and they can do it *** bond hearing actually in chambers sometimes. My passport’s expired. We were gonna get new ones and we moved in this place that I haven’t. passport was issued in 2021 to this defendant based upon the, uh, documents recovered at his house. Yes I’m well, how long does it take? OK. OK We usually put it on so. Oh. Thank you. So my wife did. She did get *** passport in 2021 and she went out of the country, but I didn’t go with her. I, I don’t have *** passport as well. And the concern is that because the amount of money that you have access to $5000 of that money is my house that her mama gave her when her mama sold the house and now there’s just money that I’ve saved. I mean, I work and I’ve saved money, yes, ma’am. And the, the secret room is *** room that I put my, I had built, put my gun safe in to try to keep my guns safe. At this time I feel like based on the reputation of the state in this in the very severity of the charges, what is that on my first account ever did I’ve ever done anything wrong? At this time I’m gonna deny your bond, but you do have *** chance to have another bond hearing and then because I’m denying your bond, do you want to request. I didn’t. Mr. Fower, he’s gonna hand you 3 different documents. The first one is just dealing with the financial questionnaires that I asked you. The second one is the order dealing with the fact you didn’t have the first hearing today. And then the third one you’ve been signing is the special conditions on bond. That you were made aware of the conditions on far even though your bond was denied, they still are in play. However, the superior court judge. Might modify them. As well. And then just to give you notice. I’m not really familiar with it. You felt like how long it takes. Usually it takes almost up to *** year, goes to the grand jury, um, goes to the DA or the, they’ll review your case, they’ll decide whether or not they’re gonna go for the indictment. If they do, then they’ll present it to the grand jury and then the indictment will happen. My understanding, *** lot of times those take up to over *** year before anything. 4 cases that indicted and sat down. Um, just know, however, when you get your attorney, your attorney to discuss how to proceed, then they can always contact the AG’s office to try to negotiate. So you wonder what the DA’s office does, is that correct? Do you have any questions, Mr. Gala? Thank you. Thank you, Your Honor. Uh, may be excused. Yes, thank you.

Full video: Suspects arraigned in Long County GBI investigation

The GBI arrested Long County Commissioner Robert Parker and business owner Tony Fowler in connection with an investigation into the misappropriation of county funds.

Long County Commissioner Robert Parker and business owner Tony Fowler appeared in court Friday, a day after the pair were arrested as part of a GBI investigation into the misappropriation of county funds.An arraignment was held for both men, during which they were both denied bond.Watch the full court proceeding in the video above.The investigation began on August 30, 2024, when the Long County Sheriff’s Office requested the GBI to look into alleged misappropriation of county funds. The GBI, with assistance from various agencies, executed search warrants at the homes of Parker, Fowler, and a third person. Numerous items of evidence were seized and are being analyzed. The investigation has uncovered that several individuals stole money from Long County through various schemes for personal gain.Parker is a former commission chairman, who was removed from that role in September, and currently represents Long County District 5. Fowler owns Fowler Services, a company specializing in contracting and debris removal. Their arrests come several months after a GBI raid of the county commissioners’ office due to allegations of fund misappropriation.Below video: Long County commissioner, businessman arrested by GBI

Long County Commissioner Robert Parker and business owner Tony Fowler appeared in court Friday, a day after the pair were arrested as part of a GBI investigation into the misappropriation of county funds.

An arraignment was held for both men, during which they were both denied bond.

Watch the full court proceeding in the video above.

The investigation began on August 30, 2024, when the Long County Sheriff’s Office requested the GBI to look into alleged misappropriation of county funds. The GBI, with assistance from various agencies, executed search warrants at the homes of Parker, Fowler, and a third person. Numerous items of evidence were seized and are being analyzed. The investigation has uncovered that several individuals stole money from Long County through various schemes for personal gain.

Parker is a former commission chairman, who was removed from that role in September, and currently represents Long County District 5. Fowler owns Fowler Services, a company specializing in contracting and debris removal. Their arrests come several months after a GBI raid of the county commissioners’ office due to allegations of fund misappropriation.

Below video: Long County commissioner, businessman arrested by GBI