
Suspects in random shootout on Las Vegas Barkeeper appear in court

Las Vegas, nev. (FOX5) – The two men who were accused of having killed a local bartender appeared for the first time on Tuesday morning before the Las Vegas judicial court.

The Las Vegas police identified Charles Wright (20) and Phillip Strong (18) as a suspect at the fatal shootout of Hope Ritter (19) in 11th Street in the city center. Ritter, an atomic liquors, would be shot in the vehicle on February 15.

According to a police report, Ritter drove an unrenal house from the bar when two men who wore skim masks passed their car.

The witness told the police that they “heard two shots and knights to talk in the middle of the past” before they collapsed on their place.

The two suspects were expired on surveillance material from the area. At the beginning of this night, surveillance would also record if they enter several shops near the city center and check car doors to see if they were unlocked, the police say.

According to the report, they were seen how they had stolen objects from at least one car in the region.

You will be due again in court on April 7th.

Atomic Liquors organized a fundraiser for knights last week and spoke to FOX5 about how it is missing.

“She was an incredible warm, friendly person,” said Andrew Mendez, General Manager of Atomic Liquors, on Thursday. “It had built up a follow -up of regular guests. You know with her with her personality that they came here when they were over the weekends when they knew that she would work. “