
“Suspicious” infant death examines in Ashley-Wilkes-Barre-Bürgerstimme “

The death of a child who died in Ashley on Wednesday is considered suspicious and will continue to be examined, the authorities said on Thursday.

First aiders were called to a house on Wyoming Street on Wednesday evening and a small child was reportedly taken to a hospital in the region.

The soldier spokesman Bill Evans confirmed on Thursday that the state police initiated a ongoing investigation of the death of a 3 month old boy.

The identity of the child and the circumstances of death were not released.

“We treat it as suspicious to ensure the integrity of the investigation,” said the district prosecutor of Lucerne County, Sam Sanguedolce,.

In addition to the state police and investigators from the public prosecutor's office of Ashley and Hanover TWP. Support with the answer.

No charges were raised by Thursday.

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