
Tax-free tips could help the Small Business Service employees from East Iowa

Belle Plige, Iowa (KCRG) – The representative Ashley Hinson visited the Benton County Brewing Company in Belle Plaine on Thursday to talk about what the Federal Government can do to help small businesses remain open.

The brewery would close its doors last year, but its current owner entered to save her.

The owner Nick Ville announced that it would help his business to remove taxes to tips.

At the moment, workers who earn tips are paying social security and medical taxes.

President Trump was committed to the removal of taxes for tips.

Hinson said that she wanted to expand the Trump tax cuts that are supposed to expire at the end of this year.

“Those in the service industry work very, very hard for these tips. They speak of making money further and what that does for the American people. It could be a big boom for the economy in this country, ”said Hinson. “So let's take a look at this in our tax package,” she said.

According to Villes, tax -free tips could encourage more people to take on jobs in the service industry because they would take more payment home with them.

“I think there will be a lot of people like single mothers who actually want a waiter job if there are no tax on tips,” said Villes.