
Tears as a woman captures a video of her cat who realizes that she is pregnant

A woman shared heart -heating shots of her cat, who apparently “realizes” that she is pregnant when she cuddled together.

Emmy Fiedler wrote that she was “crying” about what her cat Kayce did when she cuddled her head on her stomach.

There is no direct evidence that cats can recognize when someone is pregnant, but there is a lot to assume that our cat friends are a perception enough to know when change is underway.

A study published in the magazine 2023 Animal cognition emphasized how cats have the ability to not only recognize the voice of their owner, but also to understand when they are addressed.

This indicates that cats are tailored to the behavior of their owner and as an extension of their mood, which means that they may be able to take a significant change like pregnancy.

In view of the fact that cats have around 200 odor receptors in the nose, compared to a human, and the fact that their ears better increase high -frequency noises, there is every chance that they may be able to capture changes within the human female body.

Kayce certainly seems to feel that something is different when the video that is posted on Tiktok under the handle is something to do. The clip can be seen here.

In the clip, Kayce appears with big eyes and excited. Maybe he feels a change or maybe he only enjoys cuddling, but whatever was the reason, his answer had Fiedler in tears and she was not the only one who was fascinated.

At the time of writing, the video was viewed 9.5 million times on Tikkok, whereby the spectators flood the comment section on the post in order to indulge the sweetness of everything.

“We didn't deserve cats,” wrote a viewer with another comment: “I guarantee that she knew it before they did it.”

One third said: “My cat loved my stomach, but got angry with me if the baby stepped.”

Elsewhere, a viewer has shared an experience that undoubtedly warmed up the heart of the field player and wrote: “My cat did it !! Now my baby and everything she wants to do is at his side.”

However, there was an additional meaning for Fiedler. Kayce has been part of her life for four years and until now the “baby” of the house. However, that will change, but it looks like Kayce is looking forward to it.

As a caption that accompanies the video, explains: “My first baby, who realizes that I am pregnant.”

Newsweek has turned to Fiedler to get a comment.

Emmy Fiedler's cat seemed to know that something was different. His reaction in the video said everything.
