
Teen driver, who is charged in Seattle Hit-and-Run-Spree, has a long history of criminal behavior

A teenager who has been accused of being over three people with a stolen Kia in the university district of Seattle and who had fled the scene last week has detailed a history of dangerous and destructive behavior, as in court documents.

Komo News calls the 15-year-old boy, who is currently custody after charging three charges of vehicle and HIT-and runs, attack, possession of a stolen vehicle and ruthless driving over a number of incidents on February 21.

Previous reporting | The young driver for 7 crimes after the zebrowalk goal and run in U District 3

Last year, the same teenager took part in a “monthly crime stroll”, in the arson, the random strokes of a homeless, were involved in an attack against a shop employee, robbery, burglary and car theft.

Witnesses described the youngest chaos in the university district of Seattle when they saw how a white Kia soul exit to oncoming traffic to move a bus. The Kia driver then drove to a crosswalk full of people in the Ne 47th ST and 15TH AVE NE. The investigators said that three people were hit and serious injuries left.

“The Kia[flogvorenbusaberes-sosmachendeschnelldeshalfbinichsoverwetralswärswärswärswärse-wärse-wärsenembusfämestuchtesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesent[FlewinfrontoftheBUSBUSBUSGOINGWASINGTTHATHYI'SWHYI'MSOCONFUSEDIDITOMEMEMEMTHEBUSTHEBUSTHEBUSITTRYINGTopassit?ITerraticlyflewthrouGhthestoplight”Saidlilyfisheroneofthewitnesses“WheiThecarwasfargoneitwasflyingandthreepleplepleplewerekriticriticredontheground”[flogvordenBusaberesliefsoschnelldeshalbbinichsoverwirrtalswäreesvonhinterdemBusgekommenversuchteeseszubestehen?EsflogunregelmäßigdurchdieAmpel“sagteLilyFishereinerderZeugen”AlsichausstiegwardasAutoweitwegesflogunddreiMenschenwurdenaufdemBodenkritischverletzt”[TheKia[flewinfrontofthebusbutitwasgoingsofastthat’swhyI’msoconfusedlikediditcomefrombehindthebuswasittryingtopassit?Iterraticallyflewthroughthestoplight”saidLilyFisheroneofthewitnesses“WhenIgotoutthecarwasfargoneitwasflyingandthreepeoplewerecriticallyinjuredontheground”

The police said the boy was also involved in an attack in a short distance half an hour earlier. An employee in the apartment complex in which the 15-year-old lives said that he turned the engine and raced on her and almost hit her. The incident was recorded on surveillance video.

The investigators found the damaged stolen vehicle after it had been left near Magnuson Park. The ignition had been knocked out. A tipper alerted the officials that the 15-year-old suspect was back home where they arrested him.

The teenager appeared on Thursday because of his indictment and did not think so guilty. He was instructed to stay in custody after being serious for the community.

Court files show that the teenager has earlier convictions and an active arrest warrant for his arrest at the time of the hit-and-runs. Previously, he was associated with a group of young people, of whom investigators said that he had committed more than a dozen crimes, including hit-and-runs, robberies and attacks.

This includes armed robberies of a 7-eleven on Sand Point Way Ne and a slump in Wedgwood Riteaid.

The officials arrested him on May 7, 2024, after ending a wild police persecution, which ended with a multi-car crash in the NW 80th ST and 15TH AVE NW in Ballard. A witness said that a white car came against the traffic lights and was banged into a blue SUV, with some pedestrians hardly missing.

See also | 15-year-old with previous crimes that are accused of the U-District-Hit-and-Run is up to 8 years ago

“They had no consideration of anyone. They could have killed this woman and this little girl, they could have killed me, ”said Chris Alan, who saw the NW 80th collision and recorded the consequences on his cell phone.

The officials took three of the suspects at the crash site in custody and chased two more with the help of Guardian One, the helicopter, which was operated by the Sheriff's King County.

It turned out that the car in which they were stolen was stolen.

The teenager was guilty and was sentenced to youthful rehabilitation in October 2024 for 15 to 36 weeks, with 163 days of loan being expressed. It should remain under supervision by October this year.

It is unclear when he was released. Komo News turned to the Foreign Ministry for Children, Youth and Families and waits for an answer.

The teenager could have up to eight years in custody in all charges in the current case in which the hit in the university district is involved.