
Texas claims record 13. Rider in a row of governor of the Governorer Cup

Austin, Texas (Kauz)-Jedes Year presents the selection of the Business and Economics Magazine with its governor Cup in order to recognize it as the “agricultural state of the country for the implementation and expansion of the workplace for the creation of jobs”. Texas has now won this Cup -13 -time time in a row, a governor of Victory, Greg Abbott celebrated.

“Texas works with the companies that come to our great state to grow,” said Governor Abbott. “When companies are successful, Texas is successful. We added more new jobs last year than any other state and have exceeded it three years in a row. Texas added more than 314 corporate headquarters since 2015 and made our state the headquarters of the headquarters. Texas is really the land of economic freedom – Fresedom, which is determined to achieve things that once considered impossible. Freedom that will drive Texas into global economic dominance, and we will continue to promote this economic freedom to ensure that Texas remains of the economic engine in America. “

The ranking of the award is based on new and expanded business projects, with Texas painting on 1,368 projects on the field -more than twice as many as the next close -up state, according to a press release from the governor's office.