
The 17-year-old boy opened the fire, persecuted after the car in the city of Onondaga, say soldiers

City onondaga, NY-a 17-year-old boy opened the fire and chased in the city of Onondaga for a car on Friday evening.

Around 6:41 p.m. a Ford merger drove with three people inside Roswell Avenue when they came across a Subaru-Crossking Subaru-Crossking driven by a 17-year-old boy and his girlfriend, said Trooper Jennifer Jiron, a spokesman for the state police.

The Ford driver told the Trooper that they had recognized the couple in Subaru due to previous disputes, said Jiron. The Subaru started to Uphing at Ford, she said.

The Ford stopped and left a passenger before moving down the Orchard Avenue, she said. When they drove the Ford passengers, the crosscon saw in an entrance, she said.

When the Ford came by, the boy got out of the Subaru and the Ford driver slowed down and rolled down her windows, she said. Then the boy took a gun from his covenant and a shot in the passenger door, she said.

The Ford started and the boy in Subaru chased her before she broke off on Kennedy Road, she said. The shortest distance between Orchard Avenue and Kennedy Road is about a mile.

The Ford driver stopped at the headquarters of the state police in Lafayette to report the incident, she said.

Nobody was hurt, she said. The boy was arrested and charged with the first degree, the criminal property of a firearm and the criminal possession of a second degree, she said. It is captured in the Hillbrook Juvenile Detention Center for 250,000 US dollars or a deposit of $ 150,000, she said.