
The 83-year-old man enjoys the hot air balloon ride in the viral video, calls it an “incredible” experience

The older man makes Hot Air Ballon Ride; Video becomes viral | Instagram@patriotickenny

Kenny, an 83-year-old Navy veteran and Instagrammer, recently climbed into the sky with a hot Air balloon trip. He posted videos from his new adventure while giving it “incredible” experience. He jumped together with his friend and caretaker Amanda Kline to the huge balloon, who planned the surprise for the older man.

In the recent videos that Kenny shared, he travels to the activity location, drives the balloon ride excitedly and tells his experiences about the same in front of the camera.

The heart -warming moment developed when Amanda, when he drove towards the start page, informed the old man about the upcoming surprise. “I have a surprise. What we are doing is that we drive over the mountains with a hot air balloon,” she said, making him curious to know more.

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The Hot Air Ballon of the 83-year-old man

“Is that your serious? Oh, Amanda!” Kenny exclaimed and asked.

“We will see the sunrise over the mountains from a hot air balloon,” she told him, noticing that it was a sure thing that he didn't have to worry about.

When they arrived at the point, the curious man looked at the crew who set up the hot air balloon for a departure. The graphics showed him in the balloon and explored the sky as he looked at tiny settlements from above. He pointed down and noticed how small the houses and the village looked. Kenny said in a whispering tone:

The veteran's face was awe and excitement while driving.

Calls it “incredible” experience

When the adventure ended, he said his experience and said that he “loved it every minute”. He described his overall experience of activity as “incredible”.

These videos from Kenny, who take the hot air balloon and explore over mountains, have become viral on Instagram. His videos recorded more than 13,000 views on the social media platform.

Remarkably, the man originally became viral a few years ago, for his funny conversation with Alexa. The video of him, who spoke to Alexa about a pizza, conquered the Internet in 2022 and it reappeared at the beginning of 2025.