
The air sample recognizes 70–90% of the poultry viruses and shows 50 other hidden threats

Traditional poultry smear lacks the most important viral threat new research results show how air and surface samples offer a faster and safer option to track dangerous pathogens in live bird markets.

Study: Air samples captures an accurate circulating zoonotic variety of virus, which arises from poultry-live animal markets. Photo credits: Jess Gregg / Shutterstock

*Important announcement: Research place Publication of preliminary scientific reports that are not examined by experts and are therefore not considered conclusive, guided clinical practice/health -related behaviors or as defined information.

A recently carried out study showed that the environmental sample acceptance between 70 and 90% of the viruses found in poultry and identified another 50 viruses, many of which probably came from non-V-sources that traditional poultry-swipe sample samples in high-risk environments such as pulse-live bird markets. The study is currently available on the Research place Preprint* server and is also checked under Nature portfolio.


Environmental surveillance is an important strategy for the early detection and monitoring of harmful pathogens, including the highly pathogenic virus of H5N1 Influenza A. This strategy is particularly important for places such as live bird markets where the risk of interpretation transmission of animals is transferred to humans (to humans (to people can be transferred (Zoonotic Spillover) is very high.

Highly pathogenic H5N1-Influenza-a virus outbreaks in poultry are often associated with a significant economic burden, which influences the source of income of people who rely on small-wing production. The virus also has a mortality rate of more than 50% in humans.

The monitoring of the pathogen in living bird markets is traditionally carried out by random testing of individual animals via respiratory, rectal or urea flows. In this time -consuming and expensive strategy, however, there is no ability to capture circulating pathogens and to present a significant risk of professional bio security.

The environment that surrounds the living VAGR markets can serve as a pathogen reservoir, since the shift of poultry viruses often contaminates the air. Therefore, the analysis of environmental samples, in particular air samples, is of crucial importance in order to obtain more comprehensive information about the dynamics of the pathogens and to reduce the risk of transferring bird-to-bird pathogen and spill them on humans. The study also affects a potential but unproven risk for market workers and consumers, since bird viruses were found in air samples that were collected near the food stands next to the poultry processing areas.

In this study, the researchers compared the benefits of environmental samples and traditional poultry dub rehearsals for monitoring bird's pathogenic in live bird markets in Cambodia.

The study

The study used the metagenomic, which was validated by statistical analyzes to analyze both ecological and traditional poultry swirl samples that were validated virus-enriched metagenomics. This method is often used in monitoring environmental pathogens to precisely demonstrate precise and low -frequency pathogens.

Environmental samples that were analyzed in the study included air samples that contained over three hours using aerosol sample stitches (collected by both poultry areas and slaughter areas), contained cage smears and slaughterhouse water. Similarly, the neck and cloacal swab of domestic chickens and ducks were enclosed as traditional wing hazards. The study showed that chicken nerves in environmental samples were more often detected than in duck viruses, and the chicken bins from Cloacal were the main source of environmental pathogens.

These samples were collected over a period of 15 months during twelve sampling visitors in two live bird markets.

Study results

The metagenomic analysis identified 84 viruses in traditional poultry smears, which were collected from two live bird markets over the period of 15 months. About between 70 and 90% of these viruses were also found in environmental samples, which confirmed a strong overlap between sample methods.

The most frequently discovered viruses in environmental samples were the bird influenza virus and a bird coronavirus. Viruses that remained undetected in environmental samples were much less common in wing haul swing and were less common on the circulation of the live bird markets.

Remarkably, the targeted metagenomic analysis of environmental samples identified another 50 viruses from important pathogen families (Astroviridae, Coronaviridae, Picornaviridae, And Retroviridae), which were not found by traditional sampling of poultry smears. Many of these viruses probably came from alternative sources, such as Arboviren or non-Avian hosts instead of all zoonotic threats.

With regard to infections in different types of birds, the study showed that the metagenomic analysis of environmental samples in the detection of chicken nerves is more efficient than duck virus and that cloacal is derived from cloacal.

Remarkably, the study showed that the metagic analysis of environmental samples in some cases in the detection of highly pathogenic H5N1 -Influenza -A -virus, including circulating clads 2.3.4b and, was more effective than winged pads, which were sometimes found in environmental samples, but were missed by habit. The study also identified other influenza types, including H6, H7 and H9, some of which were demonstrated in environmental samples if poultry smears did not identify, which further supported the effectiveness of environmental monitoring.

Environmental metariesomics recognize precisely circulating poultry pathogenic. A) The circular Heatmap shows the virus detection between poultry smears and the environment. A certain virus was found in at least poultry sample, a blue cell is shown, and the same virus was found in at least one surrounding sample at the same time and a neighboring pink cell is specified. Each trace of the Heatmap represents a visit to an LBM. The statistics were calculated using a Wilcox test. C) Balkend diagram that shows the total number of the clear viruses that were detected in poultry waste compared to each individual environmental sample at every sample datum. The statistics were best calculated for all groups using Fisher's Excaper test. Based on PCOA in supplementary Figure 5, we calculated the distance of all samples from the middle focus coordinates of d) cloacal and e) Oropharyngeal flows, which were obtained from domestic chickens, as well as f) cloacal and g) throat flows that were obtained from house men. The statistics were calculated using a Kruskall Wallis with Dunns Post Hoc test. H) comb diagram, which shows the probability that every poultry smear is the source of pathogenic viruses for all environmental samples. The statistics were calculated using a Kruskall Wallis with Dunns Post Hoc test. All surviving P values ​​were corrected using the Benjamini Hochberg method for the false discovery rate (FDR). P values ​​are commented on as follows: P <0.05; P <0.01; P <0,001.

Environmental metariesomics recognize precisely circulating poultry pathogenic. A) The circular Heatmap shows the virus detection between poultry smears and the environment. A certain virus was found in at least poultry sample, a blue cell is shown, and the same virus was found in at least one surrounding sample at the same time and a neighboring pink cell is specified. Each trace of the Heatmap represents a visit to an LBM. The statistics were calculated using a Wilcox test. C) Balkend diagram that shows the total number of the clear viruses that were detected in poultry waste compared to each individual environmental sample at every sample datum. The statistics were best calculated for all groups using Fisher's Excaper test. Based on PCOA in supplementary Figure 5, we calculated the distance of all samples from the middle focus coordinates of d) cloacal and e) Oropharyngeal flows, which were obtained from domestic chickens, as well as f) cloacal and g) throat flows that were obtained from house men. The statistics were calculated using a Kruskall Wallis with Dunns Post Hoc test. H) comb diagram, which shows the probability that every poultry smear is the source of pathogenic viruses for all environmental samples. The statistics were calculated using a Kruskall Wallis with Dunns Post Hoc test. All surviving P values ​​were corrected using the Benjamini Hochberg method for the false discovery rate (FDR). P values ​​are commented on as follows: P

Examine significance

The study shows that the metagic analysis of environmental samples is effective as the traditional metagenomics of the poultry test in the detection of bird viruses that are available in live bird markets.

In particular, the study finds that the metagenomics of environmental samples in certain cases more frequently than conventional poultry smears, especially in air and cage swirl samples, can grasp more often than conventional poultry flows.

These observations suggest that this new metagic approach in monitoring pathogen in the environment can be taken into account as a more efficient and cheaper alternative to conventional monitoring of pathogen for faster reactions to outbursts of illness, especially in high-risk environments such as live bird markets. This approach can also reduce risks to organic security and animal welfare concerns in connection with the monitoring of the pathogens.

The latest coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid 19) Pandemie has taught the world that respiratory viruses such as heavy acute breathing syndrome Coronavirus 2 (Sars-Cov-2) remain infectious outside the host for a long period of time and can survive under various environmental conditions and media such as air, surfaces and waste water. Similarly, the study suggests that bird-influenza viruses and other poultry pathogenic can exist outside the host in live bird markets, which causes concerns with regard to possible indirect transmission paths.

These observations underline the need for an extended monitoring of the pathogens, which is present both by animal derived pathogens and in various environmental media. Environmental sample also recognized non-Avian viruses, such as Dengue virus 3 And Rhinovirus A1Furthermore, the ability of the method to capture a wider spectrum of circulating viruses in live bird markets. As the current study results suggest, such goals can be achieved in environmental samples through targeted probe-enriched metagenomics.

As the researchers mentioned, the framework used in this study could be adapted to other human interfaces in order to strengthen the surveillance systems for monitoring pathogen and to alleviate disease risks in similar environments.

*Important announcement: Research place Publication of preliminary scientific reports that are not examined by experts and are therefore not considered conclusive, guided clinical practice/health -related behaviors or as defined information.