
The annual Giving Day des Chico State returns on March 5th

The university meets on March 5 for Chico State Giving Day. From midnight to midnight, Chico State and Wildcats Worldwide in a 24-hour fundraising drive to support Campus concerns, clubs and success centers for students, to sustainability initiatives and community programs.

Around 160 groups and student clubs will take part in the eighth event. Every donation on March 5 will count towards the Giving Day sums and have a measurable influence on the success of the students.

The day also offers live music and opportunities to learn more about Campus causes in Trinity Commons from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

How can you give?

The fastest way to give online so that gifts are counted in real time and can qualify for the agreement with funds.

A challenge

As an additional bonus, the members of the University Board of Governers and the Tower Society have promised dozens of challenges and suitable gifts to motivate donors. For example, during the morning power hour, all gifts for any reason are coordinated between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m., March 5, up to 2,500 US dollars to support student schedules. And as part of the Senior Gift Challenge, gifts of $ 20.25 or more will bring in the Wildcat Spirit cable for the end for every reason with graduates with graduates. This year, 50 senior class gifts of $ 20.25 or more additional 2,025 US dollars will be activated for student schedules.

Last year, around 4,000 alumni, faculties, employees, students and friends of the University Alumni, gave more than 1.2 million US dollars to support 256 areas on the entire campus. Since its foundation in 2017, Giving Day has generated almost 4 million US dollars for student programs and services, including scholarships, internships, excursions and tutoring.

“I look forward to the fact that our Chico State Community is coming together worldwide and supports the students in a way that really influences their academic, professional and personal life,” said Ahmad Boura, Vice President for the progress of the university. “Giving Day shows our students that wildcats from all over the world have their backs.”

Michael Drummond is a coordinator for media relationships by Chico State. He is a finalist for Pulitzer Prize, former war correspondent, author of “Renegades of the Empire”, and likes to surf and fish.