
The best Apple Watch offers for Amazon before his big spring sale

Haley Henschel is a senior shopping reporter based in Chicago at Mashable, which evaluates offers for popular technologies and finds, from laptops to gaming consoles and VPNs. It has years of experience in the shopping holidays and can tell you what it is worth buying on Black Friday and Amazon Prime Day. Her work has also examined the driving forces behind the digital trends in the shopping area, from dupes to 12-foot skeletons.

Haley received a BA in journalism from the University of Wisconsin Madison and improved her side and profit knowledge The daily cardinal. She previously reported politics for The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, examined exotic pet owners for Wisconsin clockAnd blogging for some of your favorite reality stars.

In her free time, Haley likes to play video games, draws, take walks on the Lake Michigan and spend time with her parrot (Melon) and dogs (Pierogi). She really wants to return to riding. You can follow her on x @Haleyhenschel Or you can get by e -mail when you reach [email protected].