
The blue spirits of Firefly Aerospace ends up on the moon after a 45-day trip

A moonland that was made here in central texas is now on the moon.

The Blue Ghost, which was built by Firefly Aerospace in Cedar Park, landed on the moon early Sunday morning, while many gathered to watch the story here on Earth.

What we know:

The lander landed on the surface of the moon at 2:35 a.m. on March 2 and marked the first successful commercial moon landing.

A waking party took place at an event location that was not far from Firefly's headquarters in Cedar Park. Video screens delivered live feeds from the control room and the Blue Ghost Lunar Lander as he dropped onto the surface of the moon.

RELATED: Blue Ghost Lunar Lander ends up on the moon for NASA delivery

The Florida started the trip in mid -January and lasted 45 days. The lander initially swung around the earth several times, so that research teams collect new data.

What is the Blue Ghost Lander?

The background story:

The Blue Ghost-named after a rare American species of fireflies-is a four-legged land that is 6 feet, 6 inches tall and 11 feet wide.

This mission, called Ghost Riders in the Sky, began in 2021, when NASA Firefly Aerospace received a multi-million dollar contract to lead ten experiments to the moon. NASA paid 101 million US dollars for delivery and 44 million US dollars for science and technology on board.

Previous reporting

Blue Ghost is the third mission as part of the commercial Lunar Delivery program of NASA, which ignites a fashionable of competing private companies, while they are finding around before Astronauts later appear this decade.

What's next:

The information from the trip and the experiments on the moon surface help the NASA to prepare for a manned mission to the moon.

The Blue Ghost is expected to operate a full lunar day, which is about 14 earth days.

When the landing site passes into a moon night, it is planned to record two last moments: a solar eclipse through the earth and a lunar horizon dusty lights, which was first documented by the occupation of Apollo 17 1972, the last manned mission to the moon.

Firefly Aerospace is currently building a different country, Blue Ghost 2, which is scheduled to sprinkle next year.

The source: The information in this report comes from the reporting of Fox 7 Austin's Rudy Koski and Fox television channels.

Aerospace park