
The Catholic University in Miami plans a large expansion to close Florida's nurses National Catholic register

In the middle of Florida's shortage of care, a Catholic university in the Archdiocese of Miami extends its nursing department according to the top test results by its students.

On February 27, St. Thomas University announced its plans for a 99,000 square meter nursing college building. The University led by the Archdiocesan is looking for $ 3.5 million from Florida legislation to start the project, which the 2,000 nursing members, who expect Stu, meet in 2026.

The university is expanding its care program in the middle of Florida's care. In 2024 Florida had the lowest scores in the Nation of the National Council license test – however, 100% of St. Thomas University's nurses completed the exam in the same year. This was the second year in a row in which the nursing program had a 100% pass rate.

The building will accommodate the newly created College of Nursing and College of Health Sciences and technologies from the University.

Nashat Abualhaija, the Dean of the Stu nursing College, found that the project would help the state of Florida.

“Our future structure for nursing training and new nursing qualifications will make a major contribution to violating the state's nursing care,” said Abualhaija in a statement.

A potential design for the planned 99,000 square meter nurse and StEM buildings. Credit: with the kind permission of St. Thomas University

Henry Mack, Vice President for Strategy and Innovation from Stu, said that Stu calls for Florida's legislation by 3.5 million US dollars for the start of the start of the nursing and Stem building.

“Legislative investments to improve private universities benefit from all, since public universities alone cannot increase state and national work gaps in terms of critical health and MINT fields,” Mack told CNA.

According to the forecasts of the Florida Hospital Association, the lack of nursing in Florida will continue to deteriorate. However, Stu has predicted that 2,000 students will be involved in the nursing program by spring 2026.

Abualhaija emphasized elements of the nursing program that make it so successful.

“St. St. Thomas University leads Florida in recruitment, storage and professional willingness of nurses with a individual teaching coaching program, a preparatory course for student students and higher GPA requirements for scientific requirements, ”said Abualhaija in a statement.

Nashat Abualhaija, founding dean of Nursing College at St. Thomas University, registered nurse and professor. Credit: Photo with the kind permission of St. Thomas University
Nashat Abualhaija, founding dean of Nursing College at St. Thomas University, registered nurse and professor. Credit: Photo with the kind permission of St. Thomas University

Abualhaija joined St. Thomas University in March 2024 and was significantly involved in improving Stu's nursing program from a department to a College of Nursing.

The projection would make third place after registrations for nursing programs according to the University of Central Florida College for Nursing and Galen College of Nursing.

For Mack, 3.5 million US dollars are a great investment for Florida.

“The ROI [return on investment] Is obvious-a construction project, which may be 16 times the state appropriation of Stu, which is requested by Stus, the value of future tax revenue and thousands of urgently needed, well-paid care jobs for Floridians, ”said Mack.

Nursing students at St. Thomas University learn to take care of patients. Credit: Photo with the kind permission of St. Thomas University
Nursing students at St. Thomas University learn to take care of patients. Credit: Photo with the kind permission of St. Thomas University

Stu currently offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) with two traces and a bachelor's degree in natural sciences. The university also offers five degrees and four post-master closing certificates for further training for practitioners. The university has a total of 6,500 students, graduates and double strength.

In the upcoming autumn semester, Stu is planning to debut an online -BSN for the DNP -DNP -Track (Doctor of Nursing Practice). The program enables students with a bachelor's degree in nursing, a master's degree in nursing and a doctor of nursing in two and a half years.

Stu will also initiate an 18-month Master of Science in nursing with a management obligation for nurse, which focuses on the results of the HR department, budgeting and healthcare.

The university is currently involved in a deliberate growth plan, which STU is supposed to do as “Great Catholic University of the South”. The President of the University, David Armstrong, sees the nursing program as an integral part of this plan.

“Stu's nursing program is a model for the new strategic vision of the university” persecution of excellence “,” said Armstrong in an explanation.

“St. St. Thomas University quickly becomes the leading Catholic university of the south when we prepare for celebrating our 65th anniversary next year, ”said Armstrong.

A representation of a proposed design for the new 99,000 square meter nursing housing building St. Thomas University plans to expand Miami Gardens' campus in Florida. Credit: with the kind permission of St. Thomas University
A representation of a proposed design for the new 99,000 square meter nursing housing building St. Thomas University plans to expand Miami Gardens' campus in Florida. Credit: with the kind permission of St. Thomas University