
The city council of the Holtville City Council leads the minimum lighter increase to change the employee's salary plan | Presented

Holtville – The Holtville city council adopted a resolution on Monday to change the salary plan of the city instructors. The proposal was triggered by the new minimum wage laws of California.

City Manager Nick Wells informed the Council that two employees were paid the minimum wage a few months ago, while two other employees surveyed are twice as high as the minimum wage, so that their compensation had to change.

The new minimum wage of California rose to $ 16.50 per hour on January 1.

Wells informed the council that the city offers an increase in the salary plan after negotiations with the employees were exhausted.

The city administrator recalled that the advice of the council for the next financial year with all employees is underway.

According to Wells, an employee of the part -time connection system had to leave so that the city would like to hire an employee to fill the vacancy.

In the meantime, the fire brigade has a part -time employee every day, whose employees are also entitled to a salary increase.

The article was approved 4-0, whereby the city council was absent.

Although the city's salary plan for the current financial year before July 1, an unexpected, unexpected change in the California minimum wage was officially adopted for a change in the middle of the year, the Council says.

The salary plan has not been significantly changed for this adoption, he added.

According to the report of the city administrator, step f for the positions “Supervisor” and “fire chief” were adapted to reflect the minimum threshold change for the payments of the Californian minimum wage change change.

All positions at the lower end of the schedule (area 17 and bottom) were adapted up to adhere to the minimum wage change, which mainly affects the firefighters, the report adds.

Step f for the positions “Head” and “fire chief” were adapted up to reflect the minimum threshold change for employees as part of the Californian minimum wage change, continued Wells' report.

Finally, Wells' report notes that an additional change adds a part -time position in area 10 for the furnishing system operator in training.

The city has been using a temperature service for several years to obtain the personnel position for receiving septum waste in the WWTP. Changes to the minimum wage and the benefits have led to the cost of this function significantly increased. The city administrator wrote in his report that the direct cessation of a part -time employee will save the city more than $ 12,500 a year.

Tax effects

The primary general fund effects are in the fire, whereby basically all workers' lessons contain additional compensation of USD 0.50. This can be very different due to overtime. However, the regular hours would correspond to additional expenses of approximately $ 3,750 plus employer taxes, according to the report.

Several employees at the lower end of the salary plan are increased to the new wage rate. In all cases, however, these employees are months from a level that they would have granted over the current minimum wage. The impact of the canal company with the conversion of a position from the management as part of a Temp service into a city employee is described above in order to potentially save $ 12,500 a year, as the city administrator's report is.