
The compassionate reaction of the murders of the police to the public poisoning trend: find help –

Cases of impairment and public poisoning have increased in the region.

The trend affected MPs (Murder Police Service).

Weaving in and out of traffic

Last week, MPs (Murder Police Service) reported two cases of this kind on the same day.

The first incident occurred on March 8 at 1 a.m. when the police stopped a vehicle that went into the lane.

The police then ordered that the driver offered a breath test on the street demonstration device on the street, which led to a warning reading.

Accordingly, the police spent a 72-hour driving suspension, a 3-day jam from the driver and an administrative penalty of $ 400.

On the same day, the police were also sent to a local company to report a robust man who caused a disorder. The police came and found the 41-year-old man, who was arrested for drunk people as part of the Law Act and dismissed without sober charges.

“Drinking and driving and public poisoning continue and increase.”

For the chief of police from murders, Brad Neduzak, the events on March 8 are on a wider trend that gives rise to concern.

“Driving and driving and public poisoning will continue and increase,” he says, adding a message for the municipality from the police service.

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“We just want to suggest that there are people and programs when people with some of these things have a difficult time with some of these things [to] Talk to help if necessary, ”he says.

“Forgot people”

In the end, the best strategy for security is to avoid driving overall when alcohol is involved.

“I think people forget that no matter how much they have to drink, they shouldn't come behind the steering wheel and drive,” says Chief Neduzak.

“There is this idea that they are okay to go only a short distance – especially in a smaller area or a community – they believe that they only go a few blocks. [so it’s okay]But it is obviously not a good idea to go to the wheel when they had something to drink. ”

Chef Neduzak suggests calling a friend to a local taxi service or going home after consuming alcoholic beverages.

To access addiction services, you will find the list of the following community resources in alphabetical order:

Alcoholics anonymously
Challenge for adults and teenagers
Addiction services of the central station
Eden Healthcare Walk-In-advice

With files by Robyn Wiebe