
The concerns rise to the proposed later times for IL High Schools

Parents, they are happy! Your teenager with sleep deprivation may soon have one excuse less to be a zombie in the morning. Legislators in Illinois are considering a plan to push the start times of the high school back. Will it actually solve something?

The legislator wants teenagers to sleep more – good luck with it

👇🏾You have to visit 20 hidden gem stains from all over Illinois👇🏾

Does your teenager be difficult to get out of bed in the morning? Illinois legislators believe that they have the solution: Start the high school at 8:45 a.m. Instead of the godless hour from 7:30 a.m. Sounds great, isn't it?

Unless there is a problem – none of it happens when children are still on their phones at midnight.

Maybe the problem is not the start time of the school

The Libertyville High School made and improved the change in 2018. This is fantastic. But here is the thing: my wife and I have a foolproof path to ensure that our teenager gets enough sleep. We take the phone away every evening at 9 p.m. It is almost as if parenthood is playing a role in this entire situation.

Unfortunately, the schools have to change the schedules because too many parents do not want to determine basic rules.

What could go wrong?

Not everyone thinks this is a brilliant plan. The Illinois Principals Association argues that an all-size approach is not realistic. Later start times could mean later end times, which means to shift sports practices, post -school jobs and bus timetables.

The committee for the training of the House Education Policy will vote on this until March 21st. Will it happen? Perhaps. Will it magically repair the sleep deprivation in teenage age? Not if Tikkok has something to say.

MORE: 9 Best High Schools for athletes in Illinois

20 hidden gem stains from all over Illinois, which you should see

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Gallery credit: Steve Shannon