
The conviction of Tina Peters is checked by the Ministry of Justice

Grand Junction, Colorado (KKCO) – The Ministry of Justice checks a case against Tina Peters, the former Mesa County Clerk and Recorder. The DOJ said it rated her case on “Potential abuse of the criminal justice system”. The DOJ said you will find whether Peters' conviction was aimed at causing political pain or pursuing the actual justice.

According to Dan Rubinstein, the district prosecutor of Mesa, the Doj has no authority to remove state convictions. This is probably the redest jurisdiction in Colorado. All chosen officials here are Republicans, Ms. Peters was a republican elected civil servant, the case was brought to my office, and I am a republican elected civil servant. The unanimous Republican district commissioners who represent the citizens who represent the main victims of the case were brought, ”said Rubinstein.

Peters was found guilty last year because he manipulated election equipment and was sentenced to nine years in prison.