
The couple go to Holi, die of suffocation in the bathroom; Geysirgasleck suspected | Meerut News

A couple was found dead in his bathroom because of the alleged gas leakage of a geyser after playing Holi in Garh Mukhteshwar

Meerut: A couple that had allegedly died in a suspected gas leaf of a geyser after playing with family members in the Chhota Bazar area in Garh Mukhteshwar Holi on Friday evening.
Naveen Gupa (44), a stamp dealer at Garh Mukhteshwar Tehsil von Hapur and his wife Kavita alias Sakshi Gupa (40) were found unconscious in the bathroom of their house. Naves mother, Bala Devi, said the family had become vigilant when they noticed that the couple stayed in the washroom for an unusually long duration and tried to proclaim them.
When she received no answer despite repeated knocking, she alerted the neighbors, who opened the bathroom door to pass the couple passed out.
“The door was broken up and both were lying on the floor. They were taken to the hospital where the doctors declared them dead. The doctors told us that after suffocation they died after inhaled toxic gas from the geyser, ”said Praveen Kumar, Navesbrother. “The whole incident was shocking. It is hard to believe that they are dead; We played Holi together just a few hours earlier, ”said Kumar.
Dr. Anand Mani, Garh Mukhteshwar CHC, said that such geysireen can release carbon monoxide whose inhalation can be fatal. “The placing of gas syirists in the bathroom would remove oxygen and fill with toxic gas. The couple must not have recognized when the gas was ceded out of the geyser and was passed out after inhaling, ”said the gas Dr. Mani.
The couple is survived by two sons, Divyam (15) and Madhav, 9. The last rites of the deceased couple were carried out late at night on the shores of the Ganga without involving the police. “The family did not inform the police,” said Co Garh Mukhteshwar Stuti Singh.
In 2023 and 2018, two similar separate incidents were reported by Ghaziabad, where couples may die of suffocation in a bathroom after playing Holi.