
The Creek Day (ECT -Tag 56)

  • Hiked today: 25.3 miles
    • The Florida Trail (952.4 – 975.4)
    • Ebro DG Alt. (2.1 miles)
    • Stevie Beach Alt. (0.2 miles)))
  • Total hiking: 1,186.8 miles
  • Totally paddled: 99.5 miles

Weather: Covered sunny, 52-72 ° F, very pleasant today!

Height: low = 11 feet, high = 136 feet

Sandpond campsite for power lines Spot

Yesterday I hesitantly assumed that my toothache is slowly returning. Very different from what it immediately came along the Suwannee that evening, this pain was boring and further up in my gums. Quite sure it is infected. It stopped me last night, but when I finally took Ibuprofen, I slept well. But I have to deal with it and have started looking for almost dentists.

Not so much for this reason, but it played a role in my decision -making process. I decide to “go my own way again” and create another alternative way. So it became …

The Stevie Beach alternative route

On the Florida Trail there are two “accepted” options as a northern term. The first is in the Fort Pickens area of ​​the Gulf Island National Seashor. This is by far the most hikers who start or end and are generally seen as the more official FT route that I would say. Originally my plan was to go this way, but for Ect'ers it is really out of the way. Instead of north like the Blackwater River State Forest Route, the second term option, it hugs the coast, which goes almost 30 miles through the beautiful white sandy beach to the west (or so I was told).

Florida Trail with north term in Fort Picken's area of ​​the Gulf Islands National Seashore near Pensacola, FL

Florida Trail with northern term by Blackwater River State Forest, which ends on the border between Florida/Alabama.

The other day when he was entertaining with specifications, he asked me why I wasn't going to Fort Pickens. I explained that it was out of the way and would take additional time and that and that, but that I would have liked to hike this section of the beach. My family has a long story on vacation in this general area and my parents and some siblings still make an annual “spring holiday” pilgrimage, so I thought I could come back and do it another time. All of this said, the idea of ​​getting to the Gulf of Mexico on this hike remained with me.

During my morning walk yesterday, my brain couldn't let go and I started looking actively to work. In just a few hours I had an idea and during the day I have committed myself more and more. The idea is to bypass most of the Elgin Air Force Base section of the FT and instead drive directly south to the coast. I would then go more than 30 miles of probable tourist roads and paths and coastal paths until they connect with the FT again. Once again on the way, I would actually go “to the south”, although it is really in court to north and drive to the Blackwater section. It's all very confusing, so here is another childish, pronounced card …

The yellow line is the Florida Trail, which goes to Pensacola/Fort Pickens Northern. The red is approximately where the Blackwater Northern termination option. And the purple is the alternative route that I plan, which finally leads me to the Blackwater path to Alabama.

Why? I hope this gives me a foretaste of the beach, even if there is no untouched feeling that I can imagine that Golf Islands National Seashore sees itself. With regard to the timing, this option keeps me on the right track (I think it's pretty similar to mileage) and I don't have to worry that I connect any shuttles or anything. It also holds a nice continuous path. As soon as the whole dentist came into the picture, I thought that there would be more options in this way.

Everything that is said could be a disaster! I feel a bit absurd that I have left a nice way to walk around the city and make additional streets and paved paths. It is what I feel! I know that most will not understand that. Maybe it will be amazing and the photos will tell of the size of my alternative … we will soon know. In both cases, I only start this crazy program tomorrow.

Start today

I was up early. I couldn't fall asleep again and grabbed quietly so as not to wake the others and sneak out of the pavilion. I was the first to get in motion and it was only a little after the first light.

Farewell to the Deluxe Sand Point Campground Pavilion.

I immediately stopped from the FT. Instead of continuing a bit and then having to make an out and back to the DG, I decided to create a continuous way. It worked out well. After the DG got up so early, it was not yet open. Fortunately, I was lucky and the petrol station on the other side of the street had chairs and a table inside because it had a subway. It was a cool morning, so I was glad to get warm there and enjoy a coffee and a breakfast stage sandwich from the convenience store. I was very happy with all of that.

At around 7:50 a.m. I packed up and went on to make my purchases. I only needed a few articles, so it went quickly.

I sit a lot on the floor outside of dollar General Stores.

Once it was one and a half street before it was cut into the forest. I came across the machine on the way and we went to each other's plans. I thought we would see each other later because it was pretty fast. After our meeting I went through the Choctawhatchee River (I think I did the spelling right).

The morning path

In my opinion, the whole day would be pretty great stuff. When I got off the street, it was a bit damp at first, but I was able to jump the puddles and kick sides to stay dry. Then it was pretty pleasant to walk! I have noticed much more compact white sand as a trail base lately.

And as my title suggests, there were numerous streams today. This first resembled a nice Cypress pond, but the rest was a beautiful clear flowing water with sandy soils.

“It's about the cones.” – Ben in Parks & Recreation

More piglets! I counted 6 who crossed the trail in front of me

Can you see the two Hirsch silhouettes?

I was happy for the sunshine today, it was a bit without.

I tried to get a butterfly on video for a while. I often see her. There is a kind that I have seen that is light yellow, almost neon, but it is quite difficult to grasp. I hardly got this little orange -colored a slow motion …

I assume that this snake was pretty neat too. Even if I don't like these creatures, I can accept that they are convincing. For me it seemed long, but rather slim.

I tried to keep my lunch break short because I had the late start and still hoped for a big kilometer. My lunches have been pretty good lately. I packed some spices from the petrol station this morning and she really brought it to the next stage. And of course the additional crunch of the Hubles …

The path continued, what came up in the epic things that the Florida Trail has previously offered …

Pipe Florida Trail Edition rusted.

That's right, people, a rusted pipe. I think it is connected to some sod farms or something. There is a famous rusted pipe on the PCT north of San Jacinto. At least famous for Thru-Hikers. If the memory serves me correctly, the big thing on this rusted pipe was that someone in the app started a number of nonsensical and unusual comments. My trail family got a kick of everything out and I've visited it since then to see it again, and we even did T -shirts about it. Strange, I know.

Some other decent things in the afternoon these ants …

And more streams …

Quite every stream cross had engraved a nice little wooden sign with its name.

Wonderfully clear water and quartz -rich sand soils

In order to round off this outstanding day, I did not come across one but two trail angels that insisted that I participated in their first-class treats that they made available. In the first place was Sandblaster, the Florida Trail supervisor for this section and his dog purple! Some of us hikers met him yesterday when he found us on the roadside. Therefore, he suspected that we are by strolling and deliberately trying his hike with the aim of meeting us. And he was prepared with his pack full of Jersey Mikes Sub! I couldn't resist both the Italians and the Roast Beef Sixes, even though I had only eaten at noon an hour earlier. We talked for a while and then separated. Thanks Sandblaster!

Just a few miles on the way, my third Nimblewill meeting! It was nice to have energy this time and didn't feel sick as before. So I had to talk and enjoy another Coca-Cola classic while I was resting in his folding chair. An astonishing pleasure to get the time with him. We swore to meet each other near Flagg Mountain. Then I made myself hiking and had a way to go for the day.

The evening light was calm and peaceful in the fields and the forest that surround the streams …

The Creek Day (ECT -Tag 56)

Before the end of the day, I was still not sure where to go to the camp. I wanted to come on the highway as close as possible, but this afternoon I just didn't move so quickly. Shortly before 6:00 p.m. I came to a clear weakness under some power lines. I was wondering if this could be an abbreviation on the street and decided to try it. To do this, I had to Magnolia Creek Ford. I didn't want to get my shoes and socks wet at the end of the day, and took it off and wore … a rare movement for me.

After I dried out again and laced the super blue sneak again, I set off to find my home for the night. Since it got dark, I listened pretty quickly and made something going, nothing special. A pretty day.

A long contribution … 3 golden stars to make it to the bottom. Thank you for being followed!


Album of the day:

“Miracle” (2024) by Andrew Gialanella

Podcast of the day:

“Alternative realities: a strange bet” – embedded