
The criminals were lying behind bars this week

A man who stamped a woman's head and a drug dealer who headed a supply network in Ipswich are among the criminals who are locked up in Suffolk this week.

Joseph Arundel

Joseph Arundel from New Street Close, Stradbroke, stamped on the head of a woman who caused bruising and a broken tooth.

The 36-year-old then kicked her with his shoes, which, according to judge Pugh, caused “considerable bruises and pain”.

He was found guilty for assault on the Ipswich Crown Court.

About two weeks later, Arundel took a bank card from the woman's wallet and used it to withdraw 250 pounds in cash when she had not granted any permission, as the court heard.

Arundel was also found guilty during the process for this theft.

He has been imprisoned for two years.

Joseph Arundel has been imprisoned for two years (Image: newsquest)

Alban Rustemi

Alban Rustemi in the Gosford Street in Coventry was stopped in September last year by the Kestrel Drive officers, Stowmarket.

The officials searched his vehicle and found a hiding place in the rear with 38 bags powder cocaine.

Rustemi owed himself guilty of being a controlled drug on the day of his process to deliver it.

On Monday, February 24th, at the Ipswich Crown Court, he was sentenced to 37 months in prison and ordered to pay 288 GBP in costs.

The court also ordered the decay of his vehicle together with the seizure of the mobile phones and drugs.

He was sentenced to 37 months in prison (Image: Suffolk Police)

Pajtim Matranxhi

The 28-year-old Pajtim Matranxhi was caught by the police with more than £ 45,000 in cash and was part of an organized criminal gang.

The police followed an evidence of evidence who returned to Matranxhi after arresting one of the lower dealers who was caught in Ipswich with a bicycle with Blue Tiger brands.

Pajtim Matranxhi was sentenced to four years in prison (Image: newsquest) The accused said guilty of being cared for with the drugs of class A and class A and class A class between February and June and in June last year, together with two ownership of criminal property, namely cash.

Pajtim Matranxhi was sentenced to four years in prison.