
The El Paso police are calling for tips on fatal shootout in Vista Sierra Apartment Complex

Crime Stopers from El Paso ask for support from the community to find those who are involved in the Ost -Sel -Paso -Man on November.

According to the police from El Paso on Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 4:06 a.m., the residents of Vista Sierra Apartment Complex called the police after an argument, followed by Schüussen.

When the officers arrived in the apartment complex, they found that Jerome Douglas Harper, 26, had been fatally shot.

Witnesses reported to see a silver SUV that left the scene shortly after the shootout.

The investigators are sure that someone has information about who was involved in Harpers Murder.

The authorities call up everyone with information about this murder, crime stopper from El Paso immediately under 566-8477 (tips) or online at Tipper remain anonymous and can qualify for a cash reward if your information leads to an arrest.


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