
The examination of the PAVO police officer who shot and killed two dogs

PAVO, GA. (Walb) – A PAVO police officer is currently being examined after he allegedly fired and killed two dogs in one call.

On January 24, a PAVO police officer was sent to the Wood Avenue area to have a call about 2 dogs, the children pursued.

According to the police report, when the official arrived at the scene, he found the two dogs and called Thomas County Animal Control. When he waited that they arrived, a neighbor informed him that the dogs had recently attacked a woman and a child and that the dogs were “common and wild”.

When the animal control arrived, the official found that the dogs remained in the distance and barking aggressively and growling them. After trying to catch the dogs, the officer said that he was back to the animal control car when a dog hired him and tried to bite him. Then the officer grabbed a rifle out of his car and shot both dogs in the head.

The officer was suspended by the city of Pavo. The Brooks County's office is currently investigating the incident.

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