
The fentanyl case was still examined in February last year

South Lake Tahoe, California-Die Prosecutor's Office of El Dorado, cannot offer public updates, since they continue to investigate the fatal incident in connection with drugs, in which four inhabitants were killed last February.

Last year, the residents held a vigil for those who died after the Super Bowl from a drug official. Abraham Lemus, Keely Pereira, Clifford Joy and Adam Joy had taken cocaine that was laced with Fentanyl. According to Katrina Joy, Cliff's wife, the official who tested the bag said almost 20% fentanyl.

Katrina and Joy Bankofier, the mother of Cliff and Adam, both said that the deceased had been poisoned and murdered. The public prosecutor's office of El Dorado announced the tribune that the examination has not yet been completed and had no publicly available updates.