
The fire brigade in Zionsville organizes the annual fire brigade ball • Current publishing house

The Zionenville fire brigade recently organized the 25th year ZFD Firefighter's Ball and Awards Banquet, the local firefighters for their service at the Zionsville community and the recognition of the victims and willingness to take risks recognized by first aiders who ultimately lead to a safer community.

ZFD boss James Vangorder said the members of the department represent a collection of people who dedicate endless hours to public security.

“(I am) extremely grateful for the incredible team of firefighters and administrative staff,” he said. “I appreciate each of you. They are the talented group that provides selfless live services every day for our community. “

The firefighters include:

  • Cody Richardson Memorial Firefighter of the Year – Lt. Ben box
  • Paramedic of the year – Jeremy Anker
  • Emt of the year – Luka Skudzik
  • Rookie of the year – Andrew Schulten
  • Local 5195 Leadership Award – Capt. Robert Coonfield

In addition, ZFD Capt. Elliot Russell recognized for 30 years at the Zionenville fire brigade and the Zionsville Community. Vangorder said that the milestone of three decades was proof of Russell's unshakable commitment, bravery and selflessness.

The mayor of Zionenville, John Stehr, proclaimed on February 22, 2025 as captain Elliot Russell Day for “30 years to his job, but his calling”.

Stehr said Zionenville is a better city because of the vigilance and the commitment of the rescue workers.

“I always appreciate the chance to recognize the men and women of ZFD for their commitment, to protect our people around the clock,” said Stehr. “You are a committed group and the people of Zionville are grateful for working for us.”

The event included a civilian life Saving Award, which was awarded to the Cash Coyner, based in Zionsville.

Coyner was recognized after his quick acts when a friend had a medical emergency. He realized that what happened with his friend was more serious than a nosebleed and quickly called for help. His efforts made it possible to identify a potential life -threatening emergency quickly and to transport his friend to an emergency surgery and save life.

The banquet of 2025 ZFD Firefighter and Awards was sponsored by Ascension St. Vincent. Macqueen Fire Apparatus; Local 5195; Mes; Bavarian brave; Per team tactical; Pearson Ford; and Hurst beans.

Almost 200 people took part in this year's event.

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About the Zionville fire brigade

The fire brigade of 92 members Zionsville works under the mission “To protect the life and property of our citizens and visitors with professional excellence by reaction, reduction of the community risk, fire and life -saving programs. “

The department offers local emergency services. Fire protection and oppression services; Hazardous substances; and rescue operations. Members of the department also take part in public educational efforts such as first help classes. CPR training; Safety talks; Station tours; And the fire brigade academy of a citizen.

The department was founded in 1930 as a voluntary service and switched to a full -time career department in 2007 and serves 67 square kilometers with devices from three fully occupied stations. The department also monitors the former fire brigade of Perry Township with contractual services of the Perry Township volunteer fire brigade from Boone County.

The department is an average of more than 2,300 calls per year.

Find out more about the efforts of the ZFD efforts of the ZFD under Herducation.