
The Florida doctor leads the mission to Israel, provides 1 million US dollars in help

A emergency doctor in Florida recently headed a Jewish national fund-USA mission from 50 men to Israel and delivered about $ 1 million, which were collected by efforts in the community.

“They are a really diverse group of people who come from very different backgrounds and appointed,” said Dr. Steve Katz opposite ILTV News. “But the end result is, we are all brothers … with a common goal.

What impressed Katz the most during the mission was the overwhelming gratitude of the Israelis that they met. While he had traveled to thank them for their resistance to maintaining the strength of the Jewish state during the war, it was the Israelis who instead expressed their appreciation.

“The Israelis seem to have the need to thank us for being here that we are so paradoxical for us, because we feel like we thank here to thank people in Israel for everything they are doing,” said Katz.

JNF-USA Mission Travel to Israel