
The Florida senator proposes the immigration law of “Zero-tolerance” with serious punishments for employers

Just when it seemed as if Florida's immigration debate had settled, the legislators of the states are preparing to take into account a new bill next month.

The proposed legislation would enable individuals to sue employers who knowingly hire immigrants without papers if these employees harm, injuries or even death.

Clock: Senator Blaise Ingoglia proposes an immigration lawApproach to employers

Senator introduces Bill, which employers who hire workers without papers

The new law, submitted by Senator Blaise Ingoglia (R-Spring Hill), builds on the immigration that was submitted by governor Ron Desantis in the previous special session. Ingoglia's Bill, SB 1498, aims to further tighten the restrictions on the illegal immigration of Florida by organizing employers.

“This calculation creates a zero tolerance policy for every employer who has an illegal immigrant in the state of Florida,” said Ingoglia this week.

Key provisions of SB 1498:

  • Mandatory use of e-verify: The invoice would use all employers independently of the size-one federal system to confirm the legal labor status of the employees.
  • Strictly punishments for employers: Employers who knowingly undocumented workers could be exposed to punishments, including the suspension and revocation of business licenses as well as fines of up to 500,000 US dollars.
  • Citizenship: Requires proof of citizenship to receive payment support for housing.
  • No wire broadcasts: Prohibits wire broadcasts from illegal immigrants to another country.
  • Law to be damaged: One of the most controversial aspects of the law is the provision that enables people to sue employers if an undocumented worker they have hired causes damage, injuries or even death.

“If an employer knowingly uses an illegal immigrant and that an immigrant harms someone, injured or damages death, the family or person himself can sue the employer who puts the illegal immigrant first for damage,” said the legislator. “We talk about this without tolerance, and that should really be done here in the state of Florida.”

Governor Ron Desantis (center) signed new laws on February 13, 2025 to fight illegal immigration in Florida with spokesman for Danny Perez (left) and Senator President Ben Albritton.

While the draft law has the potential to further shape the state's immigration policy, it remains unclear whether it will be due to legislation in the course of the legislator next month. The e-verify request of the draft law has the support of governor Desantis, who recently expressed his support for the expansion of the program.

“Just let us grab for all employers,” said Desantis. “So I support that. I think it would be great and I think it helps to remove the magnets that lead to people coming here illegally.”

Clock: Governor Desantis announces a new program in Homestead

What Richard del Toro says about models to further propose illegal immigration

However, it could be a challenge to get legislative leaders on board, especially after the state's extensive special meeting for immigration reform, which temporarily became bitter and personal. Many legislators may be willing to discuss other urgent questions such as affordability and real estate insurance.

A growing gap: State vs. Federal Reform

The Democrats of Florida have long criticized the “piece of” immigration measures by the state and argued that a comprehensive reform from Washington, DC, should come

“There are things that have to happen in Washington, DC,” said Nikki Fried, chairman of the Democratic Party Florida. “We need a comprehensive immigration reform in DC where it should happen.”

Fried, whose own family history is bound by immigration, emphasized the importance of a compassionate reform approach.

“Our state and our nation were built by immigrants,” said Fried. “We are all. If immigration policy was different than in the 1940s, my family would not be here and I wouldn't be here. We would have been killed in the Holocaust. The reality is that we have to remedy this in Washington, DC and Desantis so that we have to stop using this as a bullying pulpit – this is not his struggle. This is a DC fight. “