
The former football coach at Hampton University, sports director Walter Lovett-and the Virginian pilot dies

Hampton University announced Walter Lovett's death, a former football coach at Hampton University, sports director and chairman of the Health and Sport Department.

“Dr. Lovett was a transforming head of Hampton University Athletics and left a permanent legacy of excellence and commitment.” His unshakable commitment to student athletes went beyond the area and ensured her personal and academic growth.

As a graduate of Hamptons Phenix High and then a quarterback for Virginia State in 1947, he trained at Newport News' Carver High, where his team won a championship of the Virginia Interscholastic Association in 1961. He trained his Alma Mater, Virginia State, from 1970-72, including the 1972 CIAA championship, 23-8-1.

He then went to the Hampton Institute, where he became football in 1981.

Dr. Lovett was called “Daddy Love” and loved by many players. During his tenure as a Cheffussball coach in Hampton, the expression “Ya Gotta Lovett” was shaped into his love for his players and emphasized the newly discovered success of the program.

Lovett was preceded by his wife Lillian and his son Walter Jr. (Skitch) in death. He is survived by his daughters Gina, Kim and Sybil.

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