
'The great Donald Trump:' Florida dentist behind 'disturbing' threats receives a prison sentence

A Tampa dentist who was arrested last year after they were put online after over 100 threats and “disturbing” messages have been sentenced to the US Ministry of Justice.

In an release, Doj officers said that the man – Richard Kantwill, 61 – sent the online threats to various public personalities based on their political comment between September 2019 and July 2020.

Some of these threats included an e -mail to an author, a text to a “religious persona” and an Instagram message to a television personality, according to the publication. In addition to the threats to other public personalities, such as B. an election officer in another state, only last year.

Court files show that after his arrest admitted to having sent the threats, although he denied any intention to carry them out and instead described himself as a “keyboard warrior”, which was on a “verbal tirade”.

“(Kantwill) aimed at a person in the public eye with whom he did not agree,” says a conviction. “He used differences in religion, breed, gender and sexual orientation in his targeted attacks, whereby he had his goals with language, of which he knew that they caused more damage and fear in his goals than causing the risk of violence.”

Below you will find some examples of the news that Kantwill has been sent to be sent:

“You, Sir, are a degenerated piece (expedant). I read her article about the great Donald Trump. It is so obviously believed that they don't even try to be impartial, they (explosive). You are gay … I can say. (Explosive) you. I love what Trump is doing and where he stays.

They have never taken care of how the big ghetto (expedant) Obama and how it became rich, but they will make it difficult to where Trump stays. So obviously ignorant and generously immoral. God bless the great president Trump and his family. (Explosive) you and yours. Rent additional security … you will need it. I plan to stop you … just for fun. “

E -mail to a victim

“He GHG (Cable News Channel) .. You degenerate pieces of (Expletive) … How the (Expletive) you do now ??? You stupid (expedant) .. just for fun … Say it corrupt gays (news correspondent), we will kill him and his family (expedant) … Every devil who doesn't live to live …

The (Cable News Channel) better rent more security … Because we Americans who love America and (presidential candidate) will kill (Expletive) … good luck in peace. We will kidnap and kill his children in captivity … Every unfriendly word he said about (presidential candidate) will be another slash in the necks of his children. (Explosive) you (cable news channel) !!!!

Facebook message to a large cable news channel

According to DOJ officials, Kantwill owed himself guilty in November, four charges of the intergovernmental transfer of a threat that is due to the threats for three of his victims.

“Today's guilty plea is the next step to blame Richard Kantwill for his almost one-year terrorist campaign and to send more than 100 violent threats to over 40 victims, including various public personalities and an election officer,” said FBI director Christopher Wray at the time. “Do not make a mistake if you use electronic communication to threaten victims by violence is illegal, and the FBI will continue to pursue those who try to cause fear and terror by sending such violent threats.”

In a conviction memorandum submitted in the name of Kantwill, his lawyers said that the dentist was a veteran of the US Army who served as a Combat Field Medic in Iraq.

As a result, the memorandum claims that Kantwill suffers from PTBs, depression and anxiety due to his experiences in the field and ultimately turned to drugs as an coping mechanism, which led to his “other honorable” discharge.

“After his release from the service, Dr. Kantwill dipped the work and alcohol to try to forget the events that he experienced in the war, instead of advising himself, in order to adequately cope with his trauma,” says the memorandum. “His chronic pain from several physical illnesses in combination with alcohol and marijuana consumption sent him into an arsening spiral of anger and depression. was in this dark place where Dr.

On Wednesday, the Doj announced that Kantwill had been sentenced to two years in prison.

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