
The ice -cold reaction of border manager Tom Homan, while demonstrators scream in his face in his virus video

Donald Trump's border quota Tom Homan searched on an apple when demonstrators screaming on Wednesday.

Homan visited Albany in the New York State Capitol together with the state republicans to focus on Albany Democrats and their pro-illegal immigration policy.

On Wednesday, he said: “Healing cities will get exactly what they don't want: more ice agents in their community.”

After Homan had spoken his strict speech, he was caught in front of the camera and headed the Gauntlet down a hallway that had been flanked with demonstrators.

The large group can be heard how Homan enters the hallway.

He can be seen how he clasps an apple that he has just taken out and smiles at those who mock him.

His security details do their best to shade him down the sidewalk while posters and signs are consecrated in his face.

He can be seen how he clasps an album that he just took out and smiles those who mock him

His security details do their best to lead him down the sidewalk, with posters and signs being flexed in his face

His security details do their best to lead him down the sidewalk, with posters and signs being flexed in his face

The border tsar previously warned the governor of the state of Kathy Hochul that the government could flood the state with agents if it did not work with immigration offers.

“We will double the manpower if we have to. Instead of an officer who arrests a villain, I now have to send an entire team, ”he added.

Homan also defended the New York Mayor Eric Adams during his visit and denied that there was a suspected “strong Proquo” contract with the Trump administration and Adams about his corruption.

“I've spoken to him since November – had nothing to do with me,” he said.

'Our governor is on national television? “I think criminal foreigners should be deported.”

“What is one of the first things she does? She goes to New York City and tries to dismiss the mayor, who wants to help me find public security threats. '

However, when Homan was asked whether he would visit the governor during the visit of the State Capitol or not: “She knows my number.”

The couple did not meet and a spokesman for Hochul waved Homan's comments.

“Governor Hochul was clear with the New Yorker: she supports secure borders and deports violent criminals, but does not admit that New York helps the Trump government to take babies from her parents,” said the spokesman in an explanation.

“This is not the first time that the Trump administration officers lied about our guidelines -and it will probably not be the last -but governor Hochul focuses on protecting the New Yorkers.”

During the problematic visit to Homan in Albany, an official of the New York state was seen, who tried to avoid a severe police presence while screaming at the border tsar.

The border in Tsar warned the governor of the state of Kathy Hochul that the government could not flood the state with agents on Wednesday during its controversial visit to New York State Capitol if it did not work with immigration offers to flood with agents

The border in Tsar warned the governor of the state of Kathy Hochul that the government could not flood the state with agents on Wednesday during its controversial visit to New York State Capitol if it did not work with immigration offers to flood with agents

During the problematic visit of Homan in Albany, the member of the meeting and the New York mayor candidate Zohran Mamdani (33), an attempt was made to avoid a difficult police presence while screaming at the border tsar

During the problematic visit of Homan in Albany, the member of the meeting and the New York mayor candidate Zohran Mamdani (33), an attempt was made to avoid a difficult police presence while screaming at the border tsar

The member of the meeting and candidate for mayor of New York City, Zohran Mamdani, 33, became Homan for the journal of Trump against the illegal immigration and the latest detention by Mahmoud Khalil, a student at the University of Columbia, and the anti-Israel activist.

Video recordings publishes online shows Mamdani, who tries to come past New York State Police soldier while screaming Homan.

“How many New Yorkers will you hold on? How many New Yorkers without charges? 'he screamed. “Do you believe in the first amendment, Tom Homan?”

The strict boundary was active this week and took on a leading role in the arrest of the pro-Palestinian doctoral student, Mahmoud Khalil.

Homan said Khalil could be the first of many of Green Cards owners who could be deported in his widespread approach to legal and illegal immigrants.

Khalil – A Palestinian born and grew up in Syria – led protests against Israel at Columbia University last year. He also acted as a negotiator between students and university officials.

A judge has occurred since then to temporarily block the deportation of the 27-year-old propalestinian activist until another decision on the matter corresponds.

Homan, who led Trump's agenda on the border at the border with full force, said that “we absolutely” can deport Green card holders like Khalil.

“Did he violate the conditions of his visa? Did he violate the conditions of his residence here, do you know, the crimes committed, attack Israeli students, lock up buildings, destroy property? Absolutely, «he said to Fox Business.

The lack of criminal conviction makes Homan's assertion complicates that he violated his visa terms.

“How many New Yorkers will you hold on? How many New Yorkers without charges? 'Screamed Mamdani. “Do you believe in the first amendment, Tom Homan?”

Mahmoud Khalil, who was the senior student hunter for the Pro Palestinian camp, was currently arrested by the agents of the Ministry of Homeland Security

Mahmoud Khalil, who was the senior student hunter for the Pro Palestinian camp, was currently arrested by the agents of the Ministry of Homeland Security

Nevertheless, Homan confirmed that Khalil could only be the first of many visa owners who sent packing.

“Every resident who commits a crime can be deported,” he said about anti-Israel demonstrators at American locations. “And that's just one of many.

Khalil was in front of his pregnant wife of ICE officers on Saturday evening – who said they received the order to revoke his green card.

But a federal judge Jesse Furman from the southern district of New York put cold water on Trump's plan on Monday.

Furman blocked the administration from the deportation from Khalil to at least the next court hearing on Wednesday.