
The Japanese city claims the smallest park in the world and struck Portland's record

A tiny park in the city of Nagaizumi, Shizuoka, was officially recognized as the smallest park in the world and exceeds the previous record of Mill End Park in Portland, Oregon.

The park, which measures only 2.6 quadrat foot, corresponds to the size of four paper sheets and has an input, a small bench and a grass stain.

Shuji Koyama, team leader at the building management department of Nagaizumi Town, explained the origins of the park. “At that time, an employee found a holiday in the USA, they found the previous record holder for the smallest park (Mill ends Park in Portland, Oregon). So they wanted to create an even smaller park,” he said.

Mill End Park became an official city park at St. Patrick's Day in 1976. It consists of a tree in the middle strip of the SW Naito Parkway next to the Tom McCall Waterfront Park on Willamette River. It measures a small circle 2 foot with a total area of ​​452 square rolls. The new record holder is only 374.4 quadratzoll.

Read also: The smallest park in the world in downtown Portland open – after moving 6 inches

It was created by Dick Fagan after returning from the Second World War and noticing a hole outside of his office space. After the weeds had taken over, he decided to plant flowers into the hole. He wrote a column called Mill ends, which are the irregular remaining pieces of wood in wooden mills. He described the park and certain “events” that would take place.

He wrote about goblins who live in the park and how they established the “only colonies colony west of Ireland”. Fagan only claimed that he could see the Headkobold.

Since its foundation in 1988, the park in Nagaizumi City has been unofficially recognized by locals as the world's smallest and has attracted the attention of the media. In order to make the title official, the city, about 68 miles southwest of Tokyo, commissioned a professional surveyor to measure the park and collected the necessary documentation to meet the guidelines of Guinness World Records.

Koyama expressed his satisfaction with official recognition. “We would like to continue to preserve the park with the community and create a landscape that is more social media -friendly so that more people find attractions in our city,” he said.