
The legislators of North Dakota take into account laws that would seal and extinguish criminal court files

Bismarck, ND (KVRR) – A legislation through the legislation of North Dakota would make it easier to block public access to criminal court files.

Jack McDonald, a lawyer who represents the North Dakota broadcaster association, says that in certain cases the accused could submit a petition to seal the file and extinguish it from the public.

According to McDonald, the law would affect anyone who would like to access a public court file, including employers and landlords who are looking for information about potential employees and tenants.

“For example, if you wrote a story about someone and then wanted to track and see what happened in the meantime, his criminal record would not be available.”

McDonald says it seems that the legislator wants to adopt the legislative template in order to give people who were convicted of a better chance of ensuring employment.

He expects the invoice to be approved in any form.