
The local law enforcement authorities react to the shootout in the homeless in Hiawatha

Moses Lake – The police authority of Moses Lake reacted to a report on shots that was fired on Friday on Friday in the Hiawatha Lake Okaclosen camp near the 1000 block of the North Frontage Road Ost in the non -legal Moses Lake. After capturing the suspect, it turned out that the weapon involved was a BB rifle.

When the police arrived, the victim said MLPD that he heard a woman crying and said he had a look at where the noise came from. The victim said he saw, like Jonathan, 25, on a trailer in which the prayer covered the chimney with a tarpaulin. The victim said it seemed like he was trying to force the residents out.

The victim said, then pray a rifle three times. The victim ran for security and pray the victim near the homeless warehouse onto a sand hill.

Then pray in a camping trailer that was soon surrounded by MLPD, Washington Fish and Wildlife Police and MPs from the Sheriff Grant County's office with a crisis receiver from Renew.

“US fish are the fish and wildlife police in Washington, the law enforcement officers in the state of Washington are not only the state of the state, but they are also authorized to do police work,” said Kyle Foreman, public information officer from GCSO. “They were out there to support the operations and keep the location safely and to withhold the suspect.

According to Foreman, there were about 13 people who reacted to the incident and were available to negotiate and secured the scene. The negotiators tried to convince to convince prayer to the task.

The MPs received a search order and entered the trailer around 3:10 p.m.

They found prayer that hides under the trailer.

“I don't know if he landed under the trailer after he had gone into it or just hid under the trailer,” said Foreman. “We only knew that he was there in this area.”

Praying was then arrested without incident. The prayer is charged with the second degree and an attempted murder of a second degree, said Foreman. He also noticed that in the Mae Valley area, a young person was only killed by a BB weapon a few years ago in a random shoot.

The victim did not suffer any injuries.

“With the help of fish and wildlife, the police from Moses Lake and the support of the Grant County Fire District 5, the Lifeline ambulance and a crisis recipient of Rene, we were able to take Mr. Pray in custody,” said Foreman.

During the execution of the arrest warrant, GCSO found a BB rifle in the trailer. It is believed that it is the weapon described by the victim, according to GCSO.

“Yes, a (BB rifle) will make a sound, not as loud as a rifle,” said Foreman. “It is much quieter.”

The prayer was submitted to Grant County's prison to examine an attack of the first degree and the examination of the attempted murder second degree.

“The incident was treated well by working with the Moses Lake police and we all teamed up with the police in Washington State Fish and Wildlife,” said Foreman. “We all work together when there is a report on a critical incident, and this was another example of how strong this relationship is.”

The agencies included in the answer were Macc-911, MLPD, WDFW, GCFD 5, Lifeleline Ambulance, Renew and GCSO.