
The man believes that he has a funny date on home-dann the girlfriend reveals the truth

A woman who planned a sweet date with her husband had an unexpected discovery her plans.

The 28 -year -old Taylor Agost has set up a painting date evening with her husband to celebrate his birthday. What he didn't notice was that she had found out since then that she was pregnant and had received a pregnancy indicator in her work of art to surprise him. Agost spoke to Newsweek Via the Tikok video that documents the moment of surprise.

In the video the couple sat towards each other and painted portraits while he was turned away by his canvases. When the big revelation came, Agost's husband was stunned – not only about how his own painting turned out, but by the fact that his wife had used the session to announce her pregnancy.

The couple in the TikK video.


“I had already bought a few painting stocks for my husband and myself to paint us on his birthday. When I found out that I was pregnant Newsweek.

His reaction was everything she hoped for.

“My husband was in complete shock when I told him. He has been getting a baby for a few years now, but I was the one who wasn't quite finished,” she said. “He was always so excited to be a father. When I told him the news, his jaw lay on the floor and tears were in his eyes.”

While the announcement of pregnancy was a touching moment, her husband's attempt to paint her added an additional layer of cheerfulness into experience. His picture of her was a little less realistic.

“I laughed at his painting for days,” admitted Agost. “It is particularly funny because he actually tried to make his painting look good and very disappointed from the way it turned out. I tried to feel better, but it's absolutely strange.”

Tikkers couldn't get enough of the healthy unveiling, a user advised her, “that for kindergarten frame”.

“Imagine that one day he will tell your child, 'I painted this portrait of mom on the day we found out that we had them,” joked another.

Now the couple awaits the arrival of their first baby.

“We are so incredibly excited to welcome our boy in the world,” said Agost. “I can't wait to see my husband a father because he is the best partner and I know that he will be the best father. We are both young in the heart and have so much fun every day, and I know that our family together will be the biggest adventure.”